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CROFTS, Thomas
Professor Thomas CROFTS
LLB (Hons) (University College London)
LLM (Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany)
Dr iur (European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/O., Germany)
Position Tag
Associate Dean / Professor

Contact Information

Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building – 6344
(852) 3442 8184

Research Interests

Research Interests
  • Criminal Law
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Comparative Criminal law
  • Children and Criminal law

Professor Thomas Crofts holds a joint appointment in the School of Law and Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences and is Associate Dean for Research and International Affairs in the School of Law. He is Adjunct Professor in the Sydney University School of Law and Queensland University of Technology School of Justice as well as Visiting Professor at Northumbria University School of Law. Prior to coming to City University he was Professor of Criminal Law and Director of the Sydney Institute of Criminology at the University of Sydney and has also held appointments at Murdoch University Western Australia, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/O., Germany. He is a graduate of University College London (LLB (Hons)), the Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany (LLM) and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/O., Germany (Dr iur). Professor Crofts' research in comparative criminal law, criminal justice and criminology focuses on criminalisation and criminal responsibility, particularly in relation to young people, gender, and sexuality. Professor Crofts’ teaching interests are in the fields of criminal law, criminology and criminal justice.

Selected Publications


  • Crofts, P., Crofts, T., Gray, S., Naylor, B., Kirchengast, T. & Byrne, G. Waller & Williams: Criminal Law Text and Cases, 15th ed. (LexisNexis, 2024)
  • Burton, K., Crofts, T., Duffy, D. & Blake, Meredith, LexisNexis Questions and Answers: Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia, 3rd edition (LexisNexis, 2023)
  • Crofts, T. Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia, 3rd edition (LexisNexis, 2023)
  • Crofts, P., Crofts, T., Gray, S., Naylor, B., Kirchengast, T. & Tudor, S. Waller & Williams: Criminal Law Text and Cases, 14th ed. (LexisNexis, 2020) 
  • Burton, K., Crofts, T. & Tarrant, S. Principles of Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia, 3rd ed (Thompson Reuter, 2020)  
  • Crofts, T., Burton, K., Martin, R., Nisbet, T., Tarrant, S. (2018). The Criminal Codes: Commentary and Materials 7th Edition. Australia: Lawbook Co.
  • Burton, K., Crofts, T., Tarrant, S. (2016). Principles of Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia - 2nd Edition. Australia: Thomson Reuters.
  • Crofts, P., Crofts, T., Gray, S., Kirchengast, T., Naylor, B., Tudor, S. (2016). Waller & Williams Criminal Law Text and Cases, 13th Edition. Sydney: LexisNexis Butterworths.
  • Crofts, T., Lee, M., McGovern, A., Milivojevic, S. (2015). Sexting and Young People. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Crofts, T. (2014). Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia - Second Edition. Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths.
  • Anthony, T., Crofts, P., Crofts, T., Gray, S., Loughnan, A., Naylor, B. (2013). Waller & Williams Criminal Law Text and Cases - 12th Edition. Australia: LexisNexis.
  • Burton, K., Crofts, T., Tarrant, S. (2011). Principles of Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia. Sydney: Thomson Reuters.
  • Crofts, T. (2009). Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia. Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths.
  • Crofts, T., Burton, K. (2009). The Criminal Codes: Commentary and Materials. Pyrmont: Thomson Lawbook Co. (Thomson Reuters).
  • Kendall, C., Crofts, T., Jardine, A. (2004). Same Sex Relationships: A Legal Guide for Western Australians Post Law Reform. Australia: Murdoch Print.
  • Crofts, T. (2002). The Criminal Responsibility of Children and Young Persons: A Comparison of English and German Law. United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing.

Edited Books

  • Crofts, T., Kennefick, L. & Loughnan, A. (eds.) International Handbook on Criminal Responsibility (Routledge, 2025)
  • Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Crofts, T. (2016). Queering Criminology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2015). Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia. Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.

Book Chapters

  • Crofts, T. ‘Introduction’ in: Crofts, T., Kennefick, L. & Loughnan, A. (eds.) International Handbook on Criminal Responsibility (Routledge, 2025), 1–9
  • Crofts, T. ‘Rethinking the age of criminal responsibility’ in: Crofts, T., Kennefick, L. & Loughnan, A. (eds.) International Handbook on Criminal Responsibility (Routledge, 2025), 360–375
  • Crofts,. T. ‘Ex Parte Langley; Re Humphris (1953) 53 SR (NSW) 324 (Australia): Cruising, Crime and the Path to Decriminalization’ in: Ferreira, N., Moscati, M. & Raj, S. (eds.) Queer Judgments (Counterpress, 2025), 27–42
  • Bettinson, V., Crofts, T. & Wake, N. ‘Preparing a Public Perceptions Study on the use of Violent Resistance as Self-defence in Domestic Abuse Cases’ in: Burton, M., Bettinson, V., Richardson, K. & Speed, A. (eds.) Research Handbook on Domestic Violence  (Edward Elgar, 2024), 346–365
  • Crofts, T. ‘The Legal Regulation of Sex Work’ in: Ashford C. & Maine, A. (eds.) Gender, Sexuality and Law (Edward Elgar, 2024), 131–155
  • Crofts, T. ‘Refining the contours of intimate image abuse offences’ in: Summerer, K. & Caletti, G. M. (eds.) Criminalising Intimate Image Abuse: A Multi-Perspective, Comparative Approach (Oxford University Press, 2024), 121–140
  • Crofts, T. ‘Kriminalisierung des Missbrauchs von Intimbildern im Common Law: Eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung’ in: Malolepszy, M., et al. (eds.) Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jan C. Joerden zum 70. Geburtstag (Duncker & Humblot, 2023), 553–571
  • Crofts, T. and Orchiston, A. ‘Regulation of Men Selling Sex within the Context of Female Sex Work’ in: Scott, J., Grov, C. & Minichiello, V. Male Sex Work, Culture and Society (Routledge, 2021), 245–260
  • Crofts, T. ‘Male sex work – a gendered, (hetro)sexist approach to regulation’ in: Ashford, C. & Maine, A. Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and Law (Edward Elgar, 2020), 379–395
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2019). Harms and Alarms: A Zemiological Analysis of Sexting by Young People. In Kate Gleeson and Catharine Lumby (Eds.), The Age of Consent: Young People, Sexual Abuse and Agency, (pp. 49-64). Crawley, WA: UWA Publishing.
  • Crofts, T., Lievens, E. (2018). Sexting and the Law. In Michel Walrave, Joris Van Ouytsel, Koen Ponnet, Jeff R. Temple (Eds.), Sexting: Motives and risk in online sexual self-presentation, (pp. 119-136). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Crofts, T., Lee, M., McGovern, A., Milivojevic, S. (2018). Sexting Pleasures: Young People, Fun, Flirtation, and Child Pornography. In Liam Grealy, Catherine Driscoll, Anna Hickey-Moody (Eds.), Youth, Technology, Governance, Experience: Adults Understanding Young People, (pp. 103-122). Oxon: Routledge.
  • Crofts, T. (2018). Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Minderjahrigen in Australien. In Thomas Bode, Michal Jakowczyk, Martin Mrosk, Nikolaus Wrage (Eds.), Festschrift fur Gerhard Wolf, (pp. 101-123). Berlin: Peter Lang. 
  • Crofts, T., Tarrant, S. (2017). Criminal law pedagogy and the Australian state codes. In Kris Gledhill, Ben Livings (Eds.), The Teaching of Criminal Law: The pedagogical imperatives, (pp. 99-109). Abingdon: Routledge. 
  • Witzleb, N., Crofts, T. (2017). E-Safety: Protection of Children from Cyber-bullying, Sexting and Privacy Invasion. In Lisa Young, Mary Anne Kenny, Geoffrey Monahan (Eds.), Children and the Law in Australia - 2nd Edition, (pp. 239-261). Sydney: LexisNexis Butterworths.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2017). Sexting and young people: Surveillance and childhood sexuality. In Emmeline Taylor, Tonya Rooney (Eds.), Surveillance Futures: Social and ethical implications of new technologies for children and young people, (pp. 81-92). Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Crofts, T. (2017). The Criminal Responsibility of Children. In Lisa Young, Mary Anne Kenny, Geoffrey Monahan (Eds.), Children and the Law in Australia - 2nd Edition, (pp. 153-175). Sydney: LexisNexis Butterworths.
  • Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Crofts, T. (2016). Queering Criminologies. In Angela Dwyer, Matthew Ball and Thomas Crofts (Eds.), Queering Criminology, (pp. 1-11). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Crofts, T., Kirchengast, T. (2016). Rainbow Crossings and Conspicuous Restraint: LGBTIQ Community Protest, Assembly, and Police Discretion. In Angela Dwyer, Matthew Ball and Thomas Crofts (Eds.), Queering Criminology, (pp. 143-162). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Crofts, T. (2015). Criminalisation and Young People: How Should the Law Respond to Sexting? In Thomas Crofts, Arlie Loughnan (Eds.), Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia, (pp. 105-121). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
  • Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2015). Introduction: Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia. In Thomas Crofts, Arlie Loughnan (Eds.), Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia, (pp. 1-9). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
  • Salter, M., Crofts, T. (2015). Responding to Revenge Porn: Challenges to Online Legal Impunity. In Lynn Comella, Shira Tarrant (Eds.), New Views on Pornography: Sexuality, Politics, and the Law, (pp. 233-253). California, United States: Praeger Publishers.
  • Crofts, T. (2014). Privacy and young people: controlling anti-social behaviour through loss of anonymity. In Normann Witzleb, David Lindsay, Moira Paterson, Sharon Rodrick (Eds.), Emerging Challenges in Privacy Law: Comparative Perspectives, (pp. 229-255). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Crofts, T. (2014). Regulation of the Male Sex Industry. In Victor Minichiello, John Scott (Eds.), Male Sex Work and Society, (pp. 178-197). New York: Harrington Park Press. 
  • Crofts, T. (2009). Labelling Homicides. In Sharon B. Byrd, Joachim Hruschka and Jan C. Joerden (Eds.), Jahrbuch fuer Recht und Ethik/Annual Review of Law and Ethics - Volume 17. Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot GmbH.
  • Crofts, T. (2008). The Criminal Responsibility of Children. In Geoff Monahan, Lisa Young (Eds.), Children and the Law in Australia, (pp. 167-186). Sydney: LexisNexis Butterworths.
  • Crofts, T. (2005). Do Parents Know Best? In Jan C. Joerden and Josef N. Neumann (Eds.), Medizinethik 5 Series: Studien zur Ethik in Ostmitteleuropa - Volume 8, (pp. 147-166). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang Publishing.
  • Crofts, T. (2004). Separating Issues of Life and Death. In Sharon B. Byrd, Joachim Hruschka, Jan C. Joerden (Eds.), Jahrbuch fur Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics Volume 12. Germany: Duncker & Humblot.
  • Crofts, T. (2002). "The right of the Individual or the Common Good?": The Euthanasia Debate in Australia. In Jan C. Joerden, Josef N. Neumann (Eds.), Medizinethik 3 / Ethics and Scientific Theory of Medicine Volume 3. Germany: Peter Lang Verlag.
  • Crofts, T., Stanglow, P. (2001). Treatment of Disease or Genetic Enhancement? In Sharon B. Byrd. Joachim Hruschka, Jan C. Joerden (Eds.), Jahrbuch fur Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics Volume 9. Germany: Duncker & Humblot.

Journal Articles

  • Crofts, T. ‘Intimate Image Abuse Offences: Stakeholder Perspectives of the Effectiveness of the New Offences in Hong Kong’ (2025) Legal Studies, DOI: 10.1017/lst.2025.4
  • Crofts, T. ‘Age of Criminal Responsibility - Getting Older and Wiser’ (2024) 47(4) Criminal Law Journal - accepted/in press
  • Hamer, D. & Crofts, T. ‘The logic and value of the presumption of doli incapax (failing that, an incapacity defence)’ (2023) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, DOI:
  • Crofts, T. ‘Act Now: Raise the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility’ (2023) 35(1) Current Issues in Criminal Justice 118–138
  • Crofts, T. ‘Combatting intimate image abuse in Hong Kong’ (2022) 52(2) Hong Kong Law Journal 405–430
  • Dyer, A. & Crofts, T. ‘Reforming Non-consensual Sexual Offences in Hong Kong: How Do the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong’s Proposals Compare with Recent Recommendations in Other Jurisdictions?’ (2022) Common Law World Review 51(3) 145–171
  • Crofts, T., Delmage E. & Janes, L. ‘Deterring children from crime through sentencing: can it be justified?’ (2022) Youth Justice 
  • Arthur, R. & Crofts, T. ‘The use of intermediaries for young defendants: overcoming barriers to young people’s participation in criminal proceedings’ (2022) 34(2) Child and Family Law Quarterly
  • Dwyer, A., Bond, C. E. W., Ball, M., Lee, M. & Crofts, T. 'Support provided by LGBTI Police Liaison Services: An analysis of a survey of LGBTIQ people in Australia' (2021) Police Quarterly
  • Crofts, T. & Wake, N. ‘Diminished Responsibility: Public Policy, Judicial Activism, and the Benign Conspiracy’ (2021) 72 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 324–362
  • Crofts, T. and Burke, J. ‘Sexting in Hong Kong – A Complex Interplay Between Young People, Technology and Law’ (2021) 29 Asia Pacific Law Review 47-6
  • Wake, N., Arthur, R., Crofts T. & Lambert, S. ‘Legislative approaches to recognising the vulnerability of young people and preventing their criminalisation’ (2021) Public Law 145– 62  
  • Crofts, T. ‘Criminalization of Voyeurism and “Upskirt Photography” in Hong Kong: The Need for a Coherent Approach to Image-Based Abuse’ (2020) Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 1–33 
  • Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Lee, M., Crofts, T. & Bond, C. ‘Barriers stopping LGBTI People from Accessing LGBTI Police Liaison Officers: Analysising interview with community and police’ (2020) Criminal Justice Studies 1-20 
  • Crofts, T. ‘Will Australia raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility’ (2019) 43 Criminal Law Journal 26–40 
  • Kirchengast, T. & Crofts, T. ‘A Critical Analysis of the Conduct and Fault Elements in “Revenge Porn” Criminalisation’ (2019) 43(4) Criminal Law Journal 274–292  
  • Crofts, T., Kirchengast, T. (2019). A Ladder Approach to Criminalising Revenge Pornography. Journal of Criminal Law, 83(1), 87-103. 
  • Kirchengast, T., Crofts, T. The Legal and Policy Contexts of 'Revenge Porn' Criminalisation: The Need for Multiple Approaches (2019) 19 Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 1-29
  • Crofts, T. (2019). Will Australia Raise the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility? Criminal Law Journal, 43, 26-40.
  • Milivojevic, S., Crofts, T., Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2018). 'A Sneaky Bit of Stalking': Young People, Social Network Sites, and Practices of Online Surveillance. Temida: Journal on Victimisation, Human Rights and Gender, 21(2), 181-205. 
  • Crofts, T. (2018). Prosecuting Child Offenders: Factors Relevant to Rebutting the Presumption of Doli Incapax. Sydney Law Review, 40(3), 339-365.
  • McGovern, A., Crofts, T., Lee, M., Milivojevic, S. (2016). Media, legal and young people's discourses around sexting. Global Studies of Childhood, 6(4), 428-441. 
  • Crofts, T. (2016). Reforming the age of criminal responsibility. South African Journal of Psychology, 46(4), 436-448.
  • Crofts, T. (2016). The common law influence over the age of criminal responsibility - Australia. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 67(3), 283-300.
  • Crofts, T. (2015). A Brighter Tomorrow: Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 27(1), 123-131.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2015). Gender, Pressure, Coercion and Pleasure: Untangling Motivations For Sexting Between Young People. The British Journal of Criminology, 55(3), 454-473.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T., McGovern, A., Milivojevic, S. (2015). Sexting among young people: Perceptions and practices. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 508, 1-9.
  • Shepherdson, P., Clancey, G., Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2014). Community Safety and Crime Prevention Partnerships: Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 3(1), 107-120. 
  • Shepherdson, P., Clancey, G., Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2014). Partnerships and NSW local government Community Safety Officers. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 16(2), 71-86. 
  • Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2014). Provocation, NSW Style: Reform of the Defence of Provocation in NSW. Criminal Law Review, 2014 (2), 109-125.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T., Salter, M., Milivojevic, S., McGovern, A. (2013). 'Let's Get Sexting': Risk, Power, Sex and Criminalisation in the Moral Domain. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 2(1), 35-49.
  • Crofts, T., Lee, M. (2013). 'Sexting', Children and Child Pornography. Sydney Law Review, 35(1), 85-106. 
  • Salter, M., Crofts, T., Lee, M. (2013). Beyond Criminalisation and Responsibilisation: Sexting, Gender and Young People. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 24(3), 301-316.
  • Crofts, T. (2013). Chalking up a Storm: Finding the rainbow connection. Alternative Law Journal, 38(3), 165-169. 
  • Crofts, T., Tyson, D. (2013). Homicide Law Reform in Australia: Improving Access to Defences for Women Who Kill Their Abusers. Monash University Law Review, 39(3), 864-893. 
  • Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2013). Provocation: The good, the bad and the ugly. Criminal Law Journal, 37(1), 23-37.
  • Clancey, G., Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2012). 'We're not Batman' - Roles and expectations of local government community safety officers in New South Wales. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 14(4), 235-257. 
  • Tomsen, S., Crofts, T. (2012). Social and cultural meanings of legal responses to homicide among men: Masculine honour, sexual advances and accidents. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 45(3), 423-437. 
  • Crofts, T., Witzleb, N. (2011). "Naming and shaming" in Western Australia: Prohibited behaviour orders, publicity and the decline of youth anonymity. Criminal Law Journal, 35(1), 34-45.
  • Crofts, T., Mitchell, T. (2011). Prohibited Behaviour Orders and Indigenous Overrepresentation in the Criminal Justice System. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 23(2), 277-285.
  • Crofts, T. (2011). The Law and (Anti-Social Behaviour) Order Campaign in Western Australia. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 22(3), 399-414.
  • Crofts, T., Panther, N. (2010). Changes to Police Stop and Search Laws in Western Australia: What Decent People Have to Fear. The Western Australian Jurist, 1, 57-67.
  • Swensen, G., Crofts, T. (2010). Recent Developments in Cannabis Law Reform: The Rise and Fall of the Cannabis Infringement Notice Scheme in Western Australia. Flinders Law Journal, 12(2), 79-103.
  • Crofts, T. (2010). Stop and Search Without Reasonable Suspicion: Is Western Australia Becoming a Police State? Alternative Law Journal, 35(4), 199-202.
  • Crofts, T. (2009). Taking the Age of Criminal Responsibility Seriously in England. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 17(4), 267-291.
  • Crofts, T. (2008). Lagging behind Europe: The criminalisation of children in England. Humanitas Journal of European Studies (HJES), 2, 1-17.
  • Crofts, T., Summerfield, T. (2008). Red Light on Sex Work in Western Australia. Alternative Law Journal, 33(4), 209-213.
  • Crofts, T. (2008). Two Degrees of Murder: Homicide Law Reform in England and Western Australia. Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, 8(2), 187-210.
  • Crofts, T. (2007). Die Altersgrenzen im australischen Strafrecht (The Age Levels in Australian Criminal Law). Zeitschrift fur Jugendkriminalrecht und Jugendhilfe, 4, 393-400.
  • Crofts, T., Summerfield, T. (2007). Licensing: Regulating Prostitution or Enforcing Morality. University of Western Australia Law Review, 33(2), 289-306.
  • Crofts, T. (2007). Rape, the Mental Element and Consistency in the Codes. Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal, 7(1), 1-15.
  • Crofts, T. (2007). Wilful murder, murder - what's in a name? Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 19(1), 49-63.
  • Crofts, T., Summerfield, T. (2006). The Licensing of Sex Work in Australia and New Zealand. eLaw Journal, 13, 269-287.
  • Crofts, T. (2006). Wilful murderers in Western Australia soon to get away with murder? Alternative Law Journal, 31, 203-205.
  • Crofts, T. (2005). Identifying the Criminal Act in Rape. Criminal Law Journal, 29(4), 1-9.
  • Swensen, G., Crofts, T. (2005). Reforms to Minor Cannabis Offences in the United Kingdom & Western Australia. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 2005 (1), 1-22.
  • Crofts, T. (2004). The rise of the principle of education in the German juvenile justice system. International Journal of Childrens Rights, 12(4), 401-417.
  • Crofts, T. (2003). Doli Incapax: Why Children Deserve its Protection. eLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law, 10(3), 1-15.
  • Crofts, T. (2002). Prostitution Law Reform. Alternative Law Journal, 27(4), 184-187.
  • Crofts, T. (2002). The Oldest Profession: At Last to be Treated as a Profession? Sister in Law, 6, 147-167.
  • Crofts, T. (1999). Mit zehn Jahren strafmündig. Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, 111, 728-741.
  • Crofts, T. (1998). Rebutting the Presumption of Doli Incapax. Journal of Criminal Law, 62(2), 185-194.
  • Crofts, T. (1996). Die strafrechtliche Verantwortung von Kindern in England. Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, 108, 214-228.

Other Articles, Reports and Reviews

  • Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Bond, C., Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2017). Exploring LGBTI Police Liaison Services: Factors influencing their use and effectiveness according to LGBTI people and LGBTI police liaison officers. 
  • Crofts, T. (2016). RP v The Queen: Rebutting the Presumption of Doli Incapax. Law Society Journal, 30, 90-91.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T., McGovern, A., Milivojevic, S. (2015). Sexting and Young People. 
  • Crofts, T. (2016). Introduction: Children's Rights Edition of Rights Agenda. Rights Agenda: Monthly Bulletin of the Human Rights Law Centre116
  • Crofts, T., Lee, M., McGovern, A., Milivojevic, S. (2014). Sexting And Young People. Legaldate26(4).
  • Crofts, T. (2012). Age-old question: when should children be responsible for their crimes? The Conversation.
  • Crofts, T., Tomsen, S. (2012). Homicides, homosexual advances and male honour: will NSW act on provocation law? The Conversation.
  • Crofts, T. (2012). The Age of Innocence: Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility. Right Now: Human Rights in Australia.
  • Crofts, T. (2009). Doli incapax: in defence of defence. Childright, 2008. no. 252, 19-21.
  • Crofts, T. (2008). Children: Doli Incapax. Journal of Criminal Law, 72(1), 8-10.
  • Crofts, T. (2007). A false alarm. New Law Journal, 157, 1226.
  • Crofts, T. (2004). Punishing Children in Western Australia. Carpe Diem, Volume 2, pages 8-10.
  • Crofts, T. (2002). Book Review: International Criminal Law, by Kriangsak Kittiasaree. Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 3, 124-129.
  • Crofts, T. (1998). Review: Einfuhrung in die anglo-amerikanische Rechtssprache/ Introduction to Anglo-American Law & Language (by B. Sharon Byrd). Jura: Juristische Ausbildung, 20, 615-616.
  • Stanglow, P., Crofts, T. (1997). Kant's Metaphysik der Sitten: 200 Jahre Tradition in der Unterscheidung von Recht und Moral [Kant's Metaphysics of Morals : 200 years tradition in the distinction between law and morality]. Juristenzeitung (JZ), 52, 663-666.

Conference and Seminar Presentations

  • Crofts, T. (2024) ‘Rebutting the Presumption of Doli Incapax’, Workshop Criminal Responsibility of Children 10-13 years, Western Australia Police Force, Regional Western Australia, Perth, WA
  • Crofts, T. (2024) ‘Legal Convergence’, Future of Criminal Law, Sydney Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
  • Crofts, T. (2024) ‘Raising the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility’, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2024: Unsettling Territories: Tradition and Revolution in Law and Society, Denver, CO, USA
  • Crofts, T. (2024)  ‘Comparative Perspectives/Solutions’, Discussant, Law Commission Project Launch Event: Defences for Victims of Domestic Abuse Who Kill Their Abusers, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK 
  • Crofts T. (2024) ‘Criminal Responsibility of Minors’, Universal Justice Project, Sydney Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
  • Bettinson, V., Crofts, T. & Wake, N. (2024) ‘Public Perceptions on the use of Violent Resistance as Self-Defence in Domestic Abuse Cases’, SLSA 2024, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2023) ‘Raising the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility’, Panel Discussion, Sydney Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
  • Crofts, T. (2023) ‘Combatting Intimate Image Abuse in Hong Kong’, British Society of Criminology, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2022) ‘Intermediaries for child defendants’, Criminal Law Workshop, Sydney Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
  • Crofts, T. (2020) ‘Ordinary Men do not walk about carrying powder puffs in their pocket: The legal conceptual blurring of male homosexuality and male sex work’, Criminal Law Workshop, University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ.
  • Wake, N. & Crofts, T. (2019). Loss of Control in England and Wales and Provocation in Hong Kong: A Critical Review, The Legal Research Agenda for Medicine, Capacity and Mental Health: A Gap Analysis, Society of Legal Scholars and the North East Court of Protection Practitioners Association, Medical and Mental Health Law Research Interest Group, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. 
  • Crofts, T. & Orchiston, A. (2019). New Technologies and the Gender Gap in the Law’s Approach to Sex Work. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2019: Dignity. Washington DC, USA.
  • Crofts, T. (2019). A ladder Approach to Criminalising Revenge Pornography. Power Imbalance: Adult Victims in the Criminal Justice System. Society of Legal Scholars Conference, Northumbria Centre for Evidence and Criminal Justice Studies, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK.
  • Kirchengast, T., Crofts, T. (2018). A Critical Analysis of the Conduct and Fault Elements in 'Revenge Porn' Criminalisation. 7th National University of Singapore (NUS) - Sydney Law Symposium 2018: Multiple Perspectives on the Criminal Law, Sydney, NSW.
  • Crofts, T. (2018). What does it take to prompt a change in the age of criminal responsibility? 7th National University of Singapore (NUS) - Sydney Law Symposium 2018: Multiple Perspectives on the Criminal Law, Sydney, NSW.
  • Crofts, T. (2018). Juvenile Justice: Sexting, Young People and the Law. Executive Course: Juvenile Justice: Sexting, Young People and the Law, Hong Kong, China: University of Hong Kong.
  • Crofts, T. (2018). Sexting, Young People and the Law: The Way Forward. The Centre for Law and Social Justice and the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2018). What does it take to prompt a change in the age of criminal responsibility? Northumbria Centre for Evidence and Criminal Justice Studies, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK.
  • Crofts, T., Kirchengast, T. (2017). Criminalisation, new technologies and the non-consensual distribution of intimate images. Centre for Criminology Seminar 2017: Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 
  • Crofts, T., Kirchengast, T. (2016). Criminalising Revenge Pornography. British Society of Criminology Conference 2016: Inequalities in a Diverse World, Nottingham, UK.
  • Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Lee, M., Crofts, T., Bond, C. (2016). What stops LGBTI people from seeking support from LGBTI police liaison officers? Results from interviews with LGBTI people and liaison officers. 29th Annual Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) Conference 2016: Horizons Criminology, Hobart, Tas.
  • Crofts, T. (2016) Re-evaluating Doli Incapax – Over or Under Protective. The Law Society of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.
  • Crofts, T., Kirchengast, T., Flynn, A. (2015). Digital Technologies and Revenge Pornography. Cybercrime Studies Centre Seminar Series: John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY, USA.
  • Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Bond, C., Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2015). LGBTI Police Liaison Officers and Reporting Crime: Key Issues to Consider. Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: 3rd International Conference 2015, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
  • Flynn, A., Crofts, T., Kirchengast, T. (2015). Revenge Porn, Victims, and Prosecutorial Charging Decisions: The Australian Experience. 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) 2015: The Politics of Crime & Justice, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Flynn, A., Crofts, T., Kirchengast, T. (2015). Revenge Pornography Harms and Legal Interventions: An Australian Reflection. School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University 2015, Newark, NJ, USA.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2015). Sexting: Understanding Young People's Motivations. Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: 3rd International Conference 2015, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
  • Crofts, T. (2015). The Age of Criminal Responsibility in Australia. The Age of Criminal Responsibility (ACR) Conference 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2015). The case for an offence of unlawful assault causing death. Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2015, York, UK.
  • Crofts, T., Kirchengast, T. (2014). DIY Rainbow Crossings: Graffiti, Deviance, Resistance, Protest. Queer Criminologies Symposium 2014, Brisbane, Qld.
  • Crofts, T. (2014). Homosexuality, Male Sex Work and Criminalization. American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting 2014: Criminology at the Intersections of Oppression, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Crofts, T. (2014). How Should the Law Respond to Sexting. Criminal Law Workshop 2014: Sydney Institute of Criminology, Sydney, NSW.
  • Fitz-Gibbon, K., Crofts, T., Flynn, A., Halsey, M., Lee, M., Quilter, J., Tomsen, S. (2014). Responses to 'one-punch' homicide (Thematic Panel). Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) 2014 - Testing the Edges: Challenging Criminology, Sydney, NSW.
  • McGovern, A., Lee, M., Crofts, T., Milivojevic, S. (2014). Sexting and young people: Perceptions, policies, practices and the law (Thematic Panel). Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) 2014 - Testing the Edges: Challenging Criminology, Sydney, NSW.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2014). Sexting, gender, and the regulation of childhood sexuality. International Conference on Gender and "the Law" 2014: Limits, Contestations and Beyond, Izmir, Turkey.
  • Crofts, T. (2014). Sexting, Young People & Legal Policy. 8th Annual Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2014 - Critical Criminology: Research Praxis and Social Transformation in a Global Era, Melbourne, Vic.
  • Crofts, T. (2014). Sexting, young people and criminalisation. British Society of Criminology (BSC) Conference 2014 - Crime, Justice, Welfare: Can the Metropole listen?, Liverpool, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2014). The case for an offence of unlawful assault causing death. British Society of Criminology (BSC) Conference 2014 - Crime, Justice, Welfare: Can the Metropole listen?, Liverpool, England, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2013). 'Sexting' and Criminal Responsibility: Inconsistency of ages: child pornography; consent; criminal responsibility. Fourth Annual National Juvenile Justice Summit 2013, Melbourne, Vic.
  • Crofts, T. (2013). 'Sexting', Young People and Child Pornography. Hedonism: Young People, Sex, Drugs & Alcohol - Centre for Youth Work Studies Seminar Series, London, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2013). 'Sexting', Young People and Child Pornography. Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice Seminar Series, University of Hull 2013, Hull, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2013). DIY Rainbow Crossings: Finding the Rainbow Connection (Presentation). 13th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2013). Sexting and young people: Intersections and experiences. The Australian Sociological Association Conference (TASA) 2013: Reflections, Intersections and Aspirations 50 years of Australian Sociology, Melbourne, Vic.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T., McGovern, A., Milivojevic, S., Salter, M. (2013). Sexting and young people: Perceptions, practices, policy and law. The Australian Sociological Association Conference (TASA) 2013: Reflections, Intersections and Aspirations 50 years of Australian Sociology, Melbourne, Vic.
  • Lee, M., Crofts, T., McGovern, A., Milivojevic, S., Salter, M. (2013). Sexting and young people: Perceptions, practices, policy and law. Young People and Mediated Sexual Communication Symposium 2013, Melbourne, Vic.
  • Crofts, T. (2013). Sexting: Criminalisation of Childhood Sexuality. 7th Annual Australian & New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference (CCC 2013), Adelaide SA.
  • Crofts, T. (2013). Sexting: Criminalisation of Childhood Sexuality. Law on the Edge: Joint Conference of the Canadian Law and Society Association and the Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Crofts, T. (2013). The legal regulation of male sex work. Australia's Homosexual Histories Conference 2013, Melbourne, Vic.
  • Crofts, T. (2012). 'Sexting': Criminalisation of Childhood Sexuality. Criminology Seminar Series, Monash University 2012, Melbourne, Vic.
  • McGovern, A., Crofts, T. (2012). 'Sexting': What’s the big deal? The Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2012 - Changing the Way We Think about Change: Shifting Boundaries, Changing Lives, Hobart, Tas.
  • Crofts, T. (2012). Innovation in Teaching Criminal Law. Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference (ALTA) 2012: Legal Education for a Global Community, Sydney, NSW.
  • Crofts, T., Tomsen, S. (2012). Masculine violence and unfinished activism: the persistence of HSD in Australian defences to homicide. The Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2012 - Changing the Way We Think about Change: Shifting Boundaries, Changing Lives, Hobart, Tas.
  • Crofts, T., Lee, M. (2012). Sexting and Young People: Sexualisation, Anxiety, and Law. Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (International Sociological Association) 2012: Sociolegal Conversations across a Sea of Islands, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  • Crofts, T., McGovern, A. (2012). Sexting, Children and Child Pornography. 12th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology 2012 - Criminology in the 21st Century: a Necessary Balance Between Freedom and Security, Bilbao, Spain.
  • Crofts, T., Lee, M. (2011). 'Sexting' and Young People: Sexualisation, Anxiety and Law. The Australian Sociological Association Conference (TASA) 2011: Local Lives/Global Network, Newcastle, NSW.
  • Crofts, T., Mitchell, T. (2011). Policy Transfer and Indigenous Overrepresentation in the Criminal Justice System (Presentation). Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: An International Conference, Brisbane: School of Justice, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology.
  • Crofts, T. (2011). Prohibited Behaviour Orders and Anti-social Behaviour Orders: Lessons Not Learned. 24th Annual Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Conference (ANZSOC) 2011: Crime and the regions: from the local to regional, national and international, Geelong, Vic.
  • Crofts, T. (2011). The Licensing of Sex Work: Regulating an Industry or Enforcing Public Morality? Law and Society Association Annual Meeting (LSA 2011), San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Crofts, T. (2011). The Reception of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders in Western Australia. British Society of Criminology Conference 2011: Economies and Insecurities of Crime and Justice, Newcastle upon Tyne, England.
  • Crofts, T., Witzleb, N. (2009). Anti-Social Behaviour Orders: The WA(y) to go? 22nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC 2009) - Crime and Justice Challenges in the 21st Century: Victims, Offenders and Communities, Perth WA.
  • Crofts, T. (2008). Developments in Youth Justice. Yorkshire Association of Youth Justice 2008, Wakefield, England, UK.
  • Crofts, T. (2008). Homicide Categorisation. International Conference on Homicide: Domestic Related Homicide 2008, Surfers Paradise, Qld.
  • Crofts, T. (2008). Homicide Law Reform in Western Australia. University of Birmingham Staff Seminar 2008, Birmingham, England, UK.
  • Crofts, T., Summerfield, T. (2007). Licensing Prostitution. 62nd Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference (ALTA 2007) - Law and Public Policy: Taming the Unruly Horse?, Perth, WA.
  • Crofts, T. (2007). Three Degrees of Homicide. 62nd Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference (ALTA 2007) - Law and Public Policy: Taming the Unruly Horse?, Perth, WA.
  • Crofts, T. (2006). Common Law, Common Roots: The Development of Australian Law. Europawoche 2006, Wolfenbuettel, Germany.
  • Crofts, T., Delmege, S. (2004). Politics, Public Policy and Media. Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Conference (CSAA 2004): Everyday Transformations, Fremantle, WA.
  • Crofts, T. (2003). Medical Procedures and Criminal Defences. Ethik der Medizin, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.
  • Crofts, T. (2003). The Presumption of Criminal Incapacity of Children -Do We Still Need It? Lawasia Conference 2003 - Children and the Law: Issues in the Asia Pacific Region, Brisbane, Qld.
  • Crofts, T. (2002). Assessing the Criminal Liability of Children. Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference (ALTA 2002) - Law: What is it good for?, Perth, WA.
  • Crofts, T. (2002). Prostitution Law Reform. Murdoch University Staff Seminar 2002, Perth, WA.
  • Crofts, T. (2002). The History of the Criminal Liability of Children in Germany. Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society Conference 2002: Law's Enterprise, Katoomba, NSW.
  • Crofts, T. (2000). The Current Euthanasia Debate in Australia. Wissenschaftstheorie und Ethik der Medizin in Ostmitteleuropa 2002, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.
  • Crofts, T. (1999). Treatment of Disease or Genetic Enhancement? Follow Up Session to the Human Analysed 1999, Memphis, TN, USA.