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Professor DING Chunyan
PhD (University of Hong Kong)
LLM (University College London)
LLM & LLB (Peking University)
Fulbright Research Fellow (Harvard Law School) 2008-09
PRC Lawyer Qualification, 2001
PRC Legal Profession Qualification, 2002
LLM (University College London)
LLM & LLB (Peking University)
Fulbright Research Fellow (Harvard Law School) 2008-09
PRC Lawyer Qualification, 2001
PRC Legal Profession Qualification, 2002
Position Tag
Associate Dean / Professor
Contact Information
Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building – 6109
(852) 3442 7678
Research Interests
Research Interests
- Tort Law
- Medical Law and Ethics
- Contract Law
- Chinese Civil Law
- Privacy and Data Protection
- Comparative Law
- Law Enforcement
CityU Scholar
Prof. Ding Chunyan joined City University of Hong Kong in July 2010. She was born and grew up in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. She obtained LLB and LLM at Peking University, LLM at University College London and PhD at University of Hong Kong. She became qualified PRC lawyer in 2001.Before joining the Law School, Prof. Ding was a Fulbright research fellow at Harvard Law School, where she conducted research on comparative health law and tort law during 2008-09. Her primary areas of research and teaching are medical law, tort law, contract law, and comparative law.
Research Grants
- Does the Gender of Judges Matter? An Empirical Study of Chinese Divorce Lawsuits involving Domestic Violence, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Amount: HKD $357,388, Jan 2023 - Dec 2025, Ding Chunyan (PI).
- Hidden User Influence, Disruptive Technologies, and Service Quality of Third-Party Professionals: Experimental Evidence from Public Legal E-Services , General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Amount: HKD $478,888, Jan 2023 - Dec2025, Ding Chunyan (Co-I).
- Two Tales of Legal Mobilization: NGO-led and Procuratorate-led Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Amount: HKD $794,883, Jan 2021 - Dec 2023, Ding Chunyan (PI).
- Consumer Citizen Suits Against Food Safety Violations in China, General Research Fund(GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Amount: HKD $455,606, Jan 2020 - Dec 2022,Ding Chunyan (PI).
- Proper Incentives for Organ Donation: A Multidisciplinary Local and International Study on the Divergent Models, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council(RGC), Amount: HKD $934,988, Sep 2018 - Aug 2021, Ding Chunyan (Co-I).
- Constructing Social Justice: The Evolving Media–court Relation and Media Trials in China, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC), Amount: HKD$260,264, Jan 2018 - Jun 2020, Ding Chunyan (Co-I).
- Lifting the Veil of Mental Suffering Awards in Medical Negligence Cases in China, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC), Amount: HKD $366,880,Jan 2017 - Dec 2019, Ding Chunyan (PI).
- The Medical Negligence Law of China After the 2009 Tort Law Reform: Has It Made A Difference?, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC),Amount: HKD $313,478, Jan 2015 - Dec 2016, Ding Chunyan (PI).
- Is Mediation a Viable Dose for Medical Negligence Disputes in China?, Early Career Scheme (ECS), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC), Amount: HKD $415,325, Jan2014 - Jun 2016, Ding Chunyan (PI).
- Sending, Receiving and Zero-impact Countries: Different Approaches towards International Adoption, Fondazione Cassa Risparmio Di Modena, Amount: EUR $80,000, Jul 2010 - Jul2012, Ding Chunyan (Co-I).
Journal Articles
- Ding, Chunyan. (2024). Retaining Contractual Equilibrium through the Doctrine of Change of Circumstances: What Can Be Learned from Chinese Experiences?. Erasmus Law Review (forthcoming).
- Ding, Chunyan. (2023). "Moral Conviction" plus "Joint Sanctions": The Judgment-defaulter Blacklist System in China. Brooklyn Journal of International Law. 48(2). 389 - 444.doi:
- Ding, Chunyan. (2023). Chinese Legal Response to the Shared Motherhood Model in Lesbians’ Family-making. Journal of Law and the Biosciences (OUP). 10(1).doi:
- Ding, Chunyan. (2023). Explaining the Variations in Legal Mobilization of Environmental NGOs in Authoritarian China: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (with Xiao Huinan). Law & Policy. 45(2). 181 - 210. doi:
- Ding, Chunyan. (2023). Liability of Internet Service Providers for Cyber Torts under Chinese Law. Tort Law Review. 169 - 183.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2023). Loss of a Loved One: An Empirical Study of Pain and Suffering Awards in Wrongful Death Cases in China (with Zhi, Pei). Chinese Journal of Comparative Law. doi:
- Ding, Chunyan. (2022). An Empirical Study of Pain and Suffering Awards in Chinese Personal Injury Cases (with Zhi, Pei). Hong Kong Law Journal. 52(3). 1194 - 1227.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2022). Human Embryo as 'Special Property of Personality Implications': Study of Frozen Embryo Disputes under China’s Civil Code. Journal of Comparative Law.17(2). 437 - 461.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2022). Mandarins v. Mandarins: Procuratorate-initiated Administrative Public Interest Litigation in China. Journal of Comparative Law. 17(2). 286 - 312.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2022). Who Are My Parents? Determining Parenthood of Surrogate Children under Chinese Law. Asia Pacific Law Review. 30(1). 123 - 144.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2021). A Paper Tiger? Prosecutorial Regulators in China’s Civil Environmental Public Interest Litigations (with Xiao Huina). Fordham Environmental Law Review. 32(3). 323 - 379.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2021). Information Authoritarianism vs. Information Anarchy : A Comparison of Information Ecosystems in Mainland China and Hong Kong during the Early Stage of theCOVID-19 Pandemic (with Fen Lin). China Review. 21(1). 91 - 105.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Legal Issues and Regulatory Challenges (醫療領域的人工智能:法律問題與規管挑戰). Chinese Medical Ethics (中國醫學倫理學). 33(7). 887 - 896.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2020). Fatal Lack of Information Transparency in Public Health Emergency: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Outbreak in China. Hong Kong Law Journal. 50(2).781 - 808.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2019). How Much Do Expert Opinions Matter: An Empirical Investigation of Selection Bias, Adversarial Bias and Judicial Deference in Chinese Medical Negligence Litigation. Brooklyn Journal of International Law. 45(1). 139-192 .
- Ding, Chunyan. (2019). Judicial Activism of Provincial Courts in China: Medical Negligence Law as a Case Study. Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (OUP). 7(3). 505 - 536.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2019). No-Fault Compensation for Medical Injuries: The Case of China. Otago Law Review. 16(1). 77 - 100.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2019). The Doctrine of Precontractual Liability under Chinese Law: A Comparative Outlook. European Review of Private Law. 27(3). 485 - 513.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2015). A Dose to Cure 'Medical Chaos': Medical Mediation in China. Journal of Comparative Law. 10(2). 158 - 176.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2015). Surrogacy Litigation in China and Beyond. Journal of Law and the Biosciences (OUP). 2(1). 33 - 55.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2015). What Happens to Embryos When the Would-Be Parents Die: The “Orphaned Embryos” Custody Dispute in China. Hong Kong Law Journal. 45(3). 941 - 961.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2014). Development of Employer’s Vicarious Liability: A Chinese Perspective. Journal of European Tort Law. 5(1). 67 - 97.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2014). International adoption in post-Hague Convention China. International Family Law. Issue 4. 230 - 240.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2014). Involuntary Detention and Treatment of the Mentally Ill: China's 2012Mental Health Law. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry (SSCI). 37(6). 581 - 588.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2014). Is the Doctrine of Equitable Liability in Chinese Tort Law Equitable?. Torts Law Journal. 22(1). 56 - 74.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2013). Patient Privacy Protection in China in the Age of Electronic Health Records. Hong Kong Law Journal (SSCI). 43(1). 245 - 278.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2012). Studies on Compensation for Psychiatric Injury in Tort of Negligence(過失侵權中的精神創傷賠償). Tsinghua Law Journal (清華法學)(CSSCI). 6(2). 31 - 50.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2010). Family Member’s Informed Consent to Medical Treatment for Competent Patients in China. China: An International Journal. 8(1). 139 - 150.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2008). Exemptions from the Requirement of Informed Consent (論知情同意的豁免). China Health Law (中國衛生法制). 16(3). 32 - 37.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2008). Latest Development of Legal Regulations of Organ Transplant in China. International Journal of Bioethics. 19(4). 61 - 81.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2007). Physician-patient Relationship v. Consumer-provider Relationship: Lifting the Veil of the Debate (醫患關系與消費者-經營者關系:揭開爭論的面紗). The Journal of Law & Medicine (法律與醫學雜誌). 14(3). 184 - 194.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2007). Responsibility for Compensation in Wrongful Birth Cases (“錯誤出生案件”之損害賠償責任研究). Peking University Law Journal (中外法學)(CSSCI). 19(6). 682 -700.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2007). Study on Breach of Duty in Medical Negligence Law of Hong Kong(香港法律中醫療事故過失判定問題研究). The Journal of Law & Medicine (法律與醫學雜誌).14(2). 102 - 115.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2007). Study on Patients’ Right to Medical Records (論患者對病歷資料享有的權利). The Journal of Law & Medicine (法律與醫學雜誌). 14(4). 171 - 180.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2007). Who is Entitled to Exercise the Right of Informed Consent: The Patient or His Next of Kin? (由誰來行使知情同意的權利:患者還是家屬?). The Journal of Law& Medicine (法律與醫學雜誌). 14(1). 29 - 34.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2006). How Far do China’s New Interim Provisions on Organ Transplants Go?. Hong Kong Law Journal (SSCI). 36(3). 613 - 632.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2006). Study on the Definition of Death under English Law (英國法上“死亡”定義之考察). The Journal of Law & Medicine (法律與醫學雜誌). 13(3). 175 - 180.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2005). Right of Preemption in Private Law (論私法中的優先購買權). Peking University Law Review (北大法律評論) (CSSCI). 6(2). 649 - 687.
Book Chapters
- Ding, Chunyan. (2024). The Law and Bioethics of End-of-Life Decisions: The Case of Hong Kong. R. Bercea and A. Vertes-Olteanu (ed) The Law and Bioethics of End-of-Life Decisions. Intersentia (forthcoming).
- Ding, Chunyan. (2023). Chinese Tort Law in the Era of the Civil Code. Hao Jiang and Pietro Sirena (ed) The Making of Chinese Civil Code: Promises and Persistent Problems. (pp. 153 -178). Cambridge University Press. doi:
- Ding, Chunyan. (2023). Organ Donation Incentives: Implications for Hong Kong and Beyond(with Ho Mun Chan). Ruiping Fan (ed) Incentives and Disincentives for Organ Donation: A Multicultural Study among Beijing, Chicago, Tehran and Hong Kong. (pp. 275 - 291).Springer.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2022). Hong Kong: Balancing Laissez-Faire and Investor Protection (with John Ho). Booysen Sandra ed. Financial Advice and Investor Protection – Comparative Law and Practice. (pp. 214 - 235). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2021). Digital Health Code System in COVID-19 Pandemic: Balancing Privacy, Liberty and Public Health (疫情下的電子健康碼制度:隱私、自由與公共健康的平衡). Ruiping Fan and Zhang Yin (eds.) Constructing Chinese Bioethics: Facing the Pandemic(構建中國生命倫理學:大疫當前). (pp. 169 - 190). City University of Hong Kong Press.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2020). Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Children in China: A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Parental Authoritarianism. Imogen Goold, Jonathan Herring and Cressida Auckland (eds) Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Young Children: A Comparative Perspective. (pp. 63 - 77). Hart Publishing.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2020). Organ Donation in Mainland China and Hong Kong : Learning from International Models and Adopting Proper Motivational Measures (with Ruiping Fan). Zang Xiaowei (eds) The Handbook of Public Policy and Public Administration in China. (pp. 362 -376). Edward Elgar.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2018). Protection of Patient Personality Rights in China. Ken Oliphant, Zhang Pinghua & Lei Chen (eds) The Legal Protection of Personality Rights: Chinese and European Perspectives. (pp. 195 - 214). Brill Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2018). Contract Formation under Chinese Law. Mindy Chen-Wishart, Alex Loke & Stefan Vogenauer (eds) Formation of Contract and Third Party Beneficiaries: Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia. (pp. 24 - 44). Oxford University Press.
- Ding, Chunyan. (2017). Perspectives on Chinese Contract Law: Performance and Breach. Chen Lei & DeMatteo, Larry (eds) Perspectives on Chinese Contract Law. (pp. 301 - 322).Cambridge University Press.
Translation of Others’ Work
- Ge, Yunsong. & Ding, Chunyan. (2004). 美国合同法. (pp. 1031). Contracts (written by E. Allan Farnsworth, New York: Aspen Law & Business, 1999, 3rd ed.). The China University of Politics and Law Press
Editorial Membership
- Chinese Law Editor, Hong Kong Law Journal
- Editorial Board Member, Accountability in Research
Last update date: 17 Jan 2024