FinTech 2024 FinTech 2024

Result 2024

List of Awardees of FinTech Trailblazers 2024 Competition

  1. AwardWinning TeamProjectRepresenting
    Gold MedalPayPilot
    The solution aimed to help users find the best way to pay, grasp different payments' offers on time and make investments by rounding-up their transactions through PayPilot app. PolyU
    Silver MedalAXA creator investment platform that bolsters the creator’s engagement with fans by allowing them to receive returns on monetary support. HKUST
    Bronze MedalFinCatchThe platform analyses interconnected data and complex relationships to offer advanced and/or individual investors efficient access to investment research, fundamental analysis and predictive insights, accelerating their understanding of market dynamics and optimising their investment strategies. CUHK
    Social Impact Award Bridge ImpactA microfinance platform connecting impact investors with SMEs and SEs owned or operated by ethnic minorities and provides them with innovative non-predatory financing solutions suitable for their specific needs. EdUHK
    Social Impact AwardMetaGreenXA NatureTech x FinTech Startup that aims to revolutionise the voluntary carbon credit trading market by bridging the gap between nature-based solution and corporates. The platform is designed to provide a transparent and trustworthy ecosystem for carbon credit transactions, bolstered by hardware with AIoT-enablement capabilities. HKUST