
Please click here to view the digital map of Hong Kong.

Time Zone

GMT +8 hours


The legal tender is the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). Credit cards are accepted in major hotels as well as shopping malls. The exchange rate is USD1.00 ≈ HKD7.80.

Voltage & Plug Type

220 volts AC, 50Hz



 As any international inbound travelers can pass by and stay in Hong Kong for seven days, and our conference is for at most five days. It is enough for any conference participant. Citizen from about 170 countries can visit HK without visa. Please see the webpage for the visa requirements for different countries: here.


Octopus Card

An electronic fare card that is accepted by almost all forms of public transport, and at many fast food chains and stores. It's easy and convenient to use, saves time and eliminates the need for small change. Please click here for details.


Useful Links 

Hong Kong Tourism Board
Hong Kong Observatory
Immigration Department
Hong Kong International Airport