University Policy and Guidelines for the Use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks

PDF version

Version 1.0 Approved by Management Board in May 2007
Version 1.1 Updated in September 2010 as a result of the name change for some of the departments and their respective heads mentioned in Section F
Version 2.0 Updated in August 2013 to include the University’s Trade Marks and other minor amendments
Version 2.1 Updated in May 2014 with a new Section E.4
Version 2.2 Updated Section I in June 2014
Version 2.3 Updated Section I in July 2014
Version 2.4 Updated Section F and H in January 2018
Version 2.5 Updated Section I in June 2018
Version 2.6 Updated Section D on Basic Principles, F on Authority and footnote (5) in April 2019
Version 2.7 Updated in February 2021 to include Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets
Version 2.8 Updated Section B in May 2022
Version 2.9 Updated Section A in November 2022
Version 2.10 Updated Section B “Definitions” to include CityUHK and 港城大 and Section C (e) in February 2025

Table of Contents

A. Preamble
B. Definitions
C. Application
D. Basic Principles for the Use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks
E. Other Considerations
F. Authority
G. Special Cases
H. Standards Manuals and Reference Documents
I. Trade Marks Registered by the University

A.  Preamble

  1. City University of Hong Kong is a leading university in the Asia-Pacific region. Its name, visual identity and trade marks are recognized as symbols of excellence in education, applied research and consultancy services and are important assets of the University that shall be protected.
  2. The University’s Policy on Intellectual Property (hereafter "Policy") states that:

    "The ownership of various logos, marks, designs, etc, as used by the University including but not limited to "City University of Hong Kong", "CityU" and the University logo shall vest with the University. These marks (collectively referred to as the "Marks") are the property of the University. The University has the sole and exclusive right to use the Marks and license their use for commercial purposes on various forms of merchandise. The University also uses and licenses the use of the Marks as service marks in connection with various business enterprises and in the promotion of the University and its activities.

    The Marks are extremely important to the University. Their importance is increasing as the University engages in more commercial and external activities. These Marks are therefore a commercial asset with increasing value." [1]

  3. This document elaborates on the Policy and provides guidelines for the use of the University’s name, artistic-related intangible and tangible assets, visual identity and trade marks, which form parts of the Marks as defined in Policy, in accordance with the Policy.

    Some of the Marks have been registered and [Section I] herein lists the trade marks owned by the University. All Marks, whether registered or unregistered, are protected by the relevant trade mark laws and passing off as the case may be.

  4. At its meeting held on 6 October 2022, the University Council resolved to approve ceasing the use of “HK Tech” in all facilities’ names and products of the University with immediate effect. Future naming of University facilities, products, major initiatives and use of the logo not complying with the University guidelines must be submitted to the Community Relations Committee for consideration and approval.

B.  Definitions

The following are the definitions of the terms used in these guidelines.

"University’s Name"
means "City University of Hong Kong", "City University", "香港城市大學", "城市大學", the acronym "CityU", "CityUHK", "城大", "港城大", "香港城大", the domain name and all other names, abbreviations, acronyms etc. that connote an association with the University
"Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets"
means artistic and creative works including, but not limited to, University Anthem, its music and lyrics, and works such as photographs, illustrations, paintings, literary works, and visual media including films and videos.
"Visual Identity"
means the university logo, marks, designs, and any other visual forms that are approved by the University and connote an association with the University. The graphic standards of the logo, marks and designs are laid down in the Corporate Identity Manual published by the University [2].
"Trade Marks"
means all registered trade marks owned by the University.
"University Activities"
means teaching and learning, research, community service, administration, development work and student services, in support of the University’s educational and operational purposes.
"University Departments"
means the central administration, colleges, schools, academic departments or units, research institutes or centres, administrative and academic support units, and all other units established under the University ;
"University Members"
means all current staff and students of the University whether full-time or part-time

C.  Application

The principles and guidelines shall apply to:

(a) University Departments;

(b) University Members;

(c) Alumni bodies;

(d) Individuals or organisations, who through direct or indirect participation and engagement in University Activities, have become involved in the use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks;

(e) Print materials including but not limited to publications, stationery, business cards; exhibits and signs; souvenir items; television, video and motion picture; the Internet, websites; and all other forms of media and devices.

D.  Basic principles for the use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks

  1. The University’s Name, Artistic-related intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks shall be used in an appropriate manner up to the standards and expectation of the University as stipulated by the Standard Manuals and Reference Guides in Section H herein. [3]
  2. The University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks shall not be used in a derogatory manner causing any dilution of the University’s reputation. [4]
  3. All University Departments and Members shall have the obligation to uphold the corporate identity of the University.
  4. Subject to the University’s overall control of the use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks as stated in this document, the use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks by University Departments and Members for University Activities is permitted provided that the University’s Name, Artistic- related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks are not used in any derogatory, deceptive, scandalous or distorted manner.
  5. Subject to the University’s overall control of the use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks as stated in this document, University Members and alumni are permitted to use the University’s Name, but not the Visual Identity and Trade Marks, in true and accurate statements of their affiliation or relationship with the University in stating their qualifications or experience for academic and professional credit.

E.  Other Considerations

  1. The use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks is, in general, limited to official University Activities; and not for support or endorsement, or appears to be for support or endorsement, of non-CityU activities, products, or services
  2. Staff engaging in outside practice may not use the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity or Trade Marks to promote that practice.
  3. University Members and alumni may not use the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity, Trade Marks or their affiliation with the University in any manner which implies or suggests University support for, endorsement of, association with or opposition to any activities, products, or services
  4. The trademarks including the University logo and other marks set out in Section I herein are protected by law and must be used in strict accordance with the relevant policy of the University. Staff or students using the said trademarks without the prior written approval of the University will be subject to disciplinary action by the University in addition to possible legal actions.

F.   Authority

  1. The authority to approve the use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks ultimately belongs to the President, who may delegate such authority to departments/persons as appropriate and in compliance with the University’s Corporate Identity Manual.
  2. The President has delegated the authority to the following persons to approve the use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks in general, provided that such use is for non-commercial purposes.

    (a)   Heads of University Departments
    For staff of the department to use the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets. Visual Identity and Trade Marks on letterheads; name cards; printed matters such as publications and reports; advertisements for departmental events; souvenir items which are given away free of charge; publicity materials such as posters, banners and exhibits; electronic communications such as websites, emails provided that such uses are limited to conducting University Activities.

    (b)   Director of Student Development Services
    For use in student related activities and matters.

    (c)   Director of Alumni Relations
    For use in alumni-related activities and matters.

    (d)   Director of Development
    For use in fund-raising and development-related activities and matters.

    (e)   Director of Admissions Office
    For marketing and promotion of, including advertisements for, university programmes and courses of study administered through the Admissions Office.

    (f)    Dean of Graduate Studies
    For marketing and promotion of, including advertisements for, university programmes and courses of study administered though the School of Graduate Studies.

    (g)   Director of Human Resources
    For staffing related matters including advertisements for staff recruitment.

    (h)   Director of Communications and Institutional Research Office
    For materials intended for media communications including but not limited to promotional materials, press releases, social media posts and advertisements for University events.

    (i)    Director (Global Engagement Office)
    For marketing and promotion of the University outside Hong Kong.

    (j)    Director of Computing Services
    For domain name and web sites, including the allocation of internal domain names and the registration of external domain names for departments. 

    (k)   Director of Campus Development
    For signage on buildings and other facilities.

  3. The President has delegated the authority to approve the use of the University’s Name, Visual Identity and Trade Marks to the Director of Finance for licensing arrangements such as those related to commercial products or services; and for the production of clothing, badges, stationery etc. bearing the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks of the University which are intended for sale or commercial purposes.

G.   Special Cases

  1. For any other use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks, including but not limited to the following:

(a)   use in connection with an outside organisation/institution,

(b)   use in connection with commercial enterprises or trade associations representing commercial enterprises,

(c)   the use may carry a potential for financial, legal or reputational risk to the University, prior written permission must be obtained from the President or his delegated authority. [5]

H.  Standard Manuals and Reference Documents

  1. Corporate Identity Manual which lays down graphics standards for the logo, marks and designs approved by the University. It can be viewed and downloaded at
    Enquiries: Communications and Institutional Research Office, email: 
  2. Domain Name System Policy and Guidelines which spells out the rules and regulations for the use of for all internal and external University domain names. It can be viewed and downloaded at
    Enquiries: Director of Computing Services​, email: 
  3. Intellectual Property Policy which details the University's policy on the ownership of intellectual property. The University intellectual property policy relates to three aspects of intellectual property, namely, (i) Copyright, (ii) Patents, Registered Designs, Circuit Layout and Plant Variety Rights, and (iii) Trade & Service Marks. It can be viewed and downloaded at

I.  Trade Marks Registered by the University

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[1] City University of Hong Kong, Policy on Intellectual Property: Trade and Service Marks, sections 12, paragraphs 12.2 and 12.3. The University has established Policy on Intellectual Property in relation to three aspects of intellectual property, namely, (i) Copyright, (ii) Patent, Registered Designs, Circuit Layout and Plant Variety Rights, and (iii) Trade & Service Marks.

[2] The Corporate Identity Manual can be viewed and downloaded at

[3] See Policy on Intellectual Property, paragraph 12.4.2. See Section H of this document for standard manuals for using the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks.

[4] See Policy on Intellectual Property, paragraph 12.4.3.

[5] The President has delegated the authority to the Director of Communications and Institutional Research to approve the use of the University’s Name, Artistic-related Intangible and Tangible Assets, Visual Identity and Trade Marks for cases covered under Section G.