The 56th Council Meeting of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) took place at City University of Hong Kong from July 26 to 28, 2024. The AAPPS, which promotes collaboration and the exchange of ideas among physicists in the Asia-Pacific region, saw participation from representatives of Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, and Vietnam.
Key highlights of the meeting included financial reports and budget plan, and discussions on upcoming events such as the Asia Pacific Physics Week. Various AAPPS divisions presented their reports, including the Division of Plasma Physics, Division of Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation, and Division of Condensed Matter Physics. A special session was dedicated to the Women-in-Physics Working Group, which discussed resolutions to promote gender equality in the field.
Of particular importance was the collaboration with international organizations. A presentation from the President of American Physical Society (APS), Prof. Young-Kee Kim, introduced ongoing and future cooperative projects. The meeting also addressed plans for joint initiatives with the European Physical Society and preparations for the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, set for 2025.
Attendees engaged in scientific discussions through research talks under the "Asia Pacific Frontiers of Physics 2024" series, which focused on cutting-edge topics across various domains of physics. The meeting concluded with a series of discussions on organizational matters, including the election schedule for future council members and the next council meeting’s plans.
City University of Hong Kong’s Department of Physics, known for its cutting-edge research in condensed matter physics, quantum technologies, and applied physics, provided an ideal venue for the meeting. The department continues to be a hub for advanced research and international collaboration, making significant contributions to the field and reinforcing Hong Kong’s growing influence in global physics research.
13 September 2024