Unlike conventional semiconductor materials, in which electrons can be viewed as weakly-interacting particles such that their collective behaviors can be well predicted, quantum materials on the other hand often involve various strong electronic interactions manifested as “many-body” physics problems. In this regard, the broad agenda of designing, synthesizing and characterizing quantum materials with strongly correlated behavior, in a controllable and predictable manner, poses an exciting research frontier. In our Department, we utilize state-of-the art computational and experimental apparatus to fabricate novel quantum materials, to predict their collective behavior, and to probe the various energy landscapes in the systems, with the aim to discover and to investigate exotic quantum phenomena that will have significant impact in future electronic and energy applications.

Quantum Materials
Research highlights
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
Observation of a singular Weyl point surrounded by charged nodal walls in PtGa
Nature Communications, 12, 3994 (2021)
Weyl points in condensed matter are analogous to magnetic monopoles in momentum space. Constrained by the Nielsen-Ninomiya no-go theorem, it is well believed that Weyl points should appear in pairs with opposite charges. As a consequence, Fermi arcs occur on surfaces which connect the projections of the WPs with opposite chiral charges. Paired Weyl points and related surface Fermi arcs are two essential characters to search for Weyl semimetal in all provious studies. However, this s...
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28 Jun 2021

Quantum Materials
Research faculty
Associate Professor
Prof. WANG Xin Sunny
PhD Columbia University, USA
BSc Peking University, China
BSc Peking University, China

Theoretical and Computational Physics
Quantum Materials
Associate Professor
Prof. LI Xiao
PhD UT Austin, USA
BSc Peking University, China
BSc Peking University, China

Theoretical and Computational Physics
Quantum Materials
Chair Professor of Physics
Prof. BAO Wei
PhD Johns Hopkins University, USA
BSc Peking University, China
BSc Peking University, China

Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
Assistant Professor
Prof. YU Wing Chi

Theoretical and Computational Physics
Quantum Materials
Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Education) of the College of Science and Associate Professor
Prof. LI Danfeng Denver
PhD Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland
BEng Zhejiang University, China
BEng Zhejiang University, China

Quantum Materials
Applied Physics
Assistant Professor
Prof. MA Junzhang
PhD Chinese Academy of Sci., China
BSc Jilin University, China
BSc Jilin University, China

Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
Chair Professor of Physics
Prof. WANG Junling
PhD Univ. of Maryland, College Park, USA
BSc Nanjing University, China
BSc Nanjing University, China

Quantum Materials
Applied Physics