MSc Civil and Architectural Engineering

Year of Entry


Application Deadline

Local & Non-local : 31 May 2025

Mode of Study


Mode of Funding


Indicative Intake Target


Minimum No. of Credits Required


Class Schedule

Students are expected to attend classes in the weekday daytimes (occasionally, at evenings, on Saturdays or Sundays). The courses (including the core courses) of the programme may be scheduled in weekday daytime session for the academic year 2025/2026.

Normal Study Period

Full-time: 1 year (2 semesters and 1 summer term);
Part-time: 2 years (4 semesters and 2 summer terms)

Maximum Study Period

Full-time: 2.5 years;
Part-time/Combined mode: 5 years

Mode of Processing

Applications are processed on a rolling basis. Review of applications will start before the deadline and continue until all places are filled. Early applications are therefore strongly encouraged.
Programme Leader
Prof Yongjun SUN
+852 3442 2672
Associate Programme Leader
Prof Guoyang LU
Dr.-Ing., MASCE
+852 3442 6474
General Enquiries
+852 3442 7609
Programme Aims and Objectives
  1. upgrade existing construction related professionals with the knowledge of advanced civil engineering as well as building environment and sustainability;
  2. nurturing experts in all aspects of civil engineering, and building services engineering, and environmental engineering;
  3. provide a route of continuing education to graduates of construction related discipline;
  4. develop civil engineering, building services engineering and construction professionals with a multi-disciplinary problem solving skill and mindset; and
  5. conduct research in various construction related disciplines. 
Entrance Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have one of the following criteria to be eligible for admission: 

(i) possess first degrees with honours accredited by Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE); or

(ii) possess first degrees with honours accredited by Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS); or

(iii) possess first degrees with honours accredited by Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA); or

(iv) possess first degrees with honours accredited by Hong Kong Institute of Housing (HKIH); or

(v) corporate membership of HKIE, HKIS, HKIA, HKIH or equivalent; or

(vi) possess first degrees in a construction-related discipline from a UGC funded tertiary education institution; or

(vii) possess first degrees in a construction-related discipline from a non-local institution recognised for this purpose by the University; or

(viii) have obtained an equivalent qualification or provide programme acceptable evidence of academic and professional attainments; or

(ix) applicants without the specified academic qualifications may still be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis if they are able to present exceptionally good alternative qualifications and possess substantial technical and management experiences.

Remarks: Students admitted via route (ix) should constitute only a small percentage of the intake and such cases would require approval by the College on a case-by-case basis.


Applicants whose entrance qualification is obtained from an institution where the medium of instruction is NOT English should also fulfill the following minimum English proficiency requirement:

  • a score of 79 (Internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)@#; or
  • an overall band score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS)@; or
  • a score of 450 in the Chinese mainland’s College English Test Band 6 (CET-6); or
  • other equivalent qualifications.

@ TOEFL and IELTS scores are considered valid for two years. Applicants are required to provide their English test results obtained within the two years preceding the start of the University's application period.

# Applicants are required to arrange with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to send their TOEFL results directly to the University. The TOEFL institution code for CityUHK is 3401.

Course Description
  • Building Environment and Sustainability Stream
  • Civil Engineering Stream

Each student must satisfactorily complete at least 30 credit units before the Master of Science degree is awarded. Reference should be made to the programme document and the student handbook for the criteria of choosing electives. Students may be allowed to switch between streams but they are not allowed to take two or more streams simultaneously.

Credit Unit Transfer

In general, application for credit unit transfer is normally not entertained. In case an application is considered fully justified by the Head of Department, the courses for transfer must be taken from master programme by the student within 3 years from the date of application of this transfer exercise. This arrangement does not apply to students registering for another stream after graduation from one stream. Criteria for granting credit unit transfer include the level, the duration and the content of the course.

Applications for credit transfer for work completed prior to entry to the University must be made in the first semester following the student’s admission, before the deadline set by the University. Applications for credit transfer for outside work completed after admission to the University must be made immediately in the semester following attainment of the additional qualification.

Please observe the Academic Regulations for Master's Degrees (including remarks) under Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies website (https://www.cityu.edu.hk/sgs/student/masters/regulation) before accept the offer.

† Combined mode: Local students taking programmes in combined mode can attend full-time (12-18 credit units per semester) or part-time (no more than 11 credit units per semester) study in different semesters without seeking approval from the University. For non-local students, they will be admitted to these programmes for either full-time or part-time studies. Non-local students must maintain the required credit load for their full-time or part-time studies and any changes will require approval from the University.