Tierarzt, MSc (One Health)
Research Student
Contact Information:
Address: Room 1B-410, 4/F, Block 1, To Yuen Building, 31 To Yuen Street, City University of Hong Kong
Phone: +852 3442 4952
Email: lisa.kohnle@my.cityu.edu.hk

Lisa Kohnle obtained a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, in 2016. This was followed by a traineeship at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Parma, Italy, during which she analysed the spatio-temporal patterns of lumpy skin disease in Europe and facilitated the expert elicitation process for listing and categorising 29 diseases within the framework of the EU Animal Health Law. Lisa recently successfully completed a Master's degree in One Health ("Assessment and management of health risks at the human, animal and ecosystem interface"), jointly run by CIRAD, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, and École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, France. In her final project she analysed global trade networks and the epidemiological risks associated with China's Belt and Road Initiative.
Lisa started her PhD in Infectious Diseases and Public Health at City University of Hong Kong in September 2018. In this role, she describes avian influenza dynamics in Bangladesh by developing mathematical models of disease transmission (BALZAC project). Her research is interdisciplinary and includes social sciences. In addition to her PhD, Lisa also collaborates on projects studying animal husbandry practices in Vietnam and the epidemiology of African swine fever in Asia.
E.S.M. Tuppurainen, S-E. Antoniou, E. Tsiamadis, M. Topkaridou, T. Labus, Z. Debeljak, B. Plavšić, A. Miteva, T. Alexandrov, L. Pite, J. Boci, D. Marojevic, V. Kondratenko, Z. Atanasov, B. Murati, Z. Acinger-Rogic, L. Kohnle, P. Calistri, A. Broglia:
Field observations and experiences gained from the implementation of control measures against lumpy skin disease in South-East Europe between 2015 and 2017.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.12.006
Ubeyratne JKH, Srikitjakarn L, Pfeiffer DU, Kohnle L, Sunil-Chandra NP, Chaisowwong W and Hemwan P:
Canine Rabies and its Implications for Human Health in Sri Lanka.
Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Sciences (2018). 1-10