For Public
Please note that the captioned Health and Safety Alert has been posted on the FMO website under Safety and Health Information>Health and Safety Alert. HSA013 Event Safety 202303 The purpose of the Health and Safety Alerts is to draw attention to potential hazards arising from workplace, including laboratories, offices, workshops and communal areas; and the relevant measures taken to prevent...
For Public
LSU is now facing a serious deficit (around 30K) in operating the Liquid Nitrogen Dispensing Services as the table shown below. Liquid Nitrogen payment summary Costs (from 17/2 to 17/6) $169845.5 (a total of 17092 L) LSU received $133800 (a total of 13381 L) Balances -$36045.5 Wastage rate 133800 ÷ 169845.5 = 78.7% Charge per Litre including wastage $10/Litre ÷ 78.7% = $12.86 Wastage charges per...
For Public
The Radiation Control System (RCS) will be officially launched on 1 Jul 2022 in the CityU service portal. Project/course leaders (lab-based department) or their delegates can utilize this system to purchase and dispose of radioactive substances. The RCS controls the purchase and storage of sealed and unsealed sources of a radioactive substance (e.g. Phosphorus-32, Sulphur-35, Iodine-131, etc.) and...
For Public
Referring to the last announcement dated 1 Nov 2021, the Risk Assessment Report System (RARS) will be linked with the Chemical Control System (CCS) on 1 Jul 2022. It means that for any courses/projects which have not yet completed the risk assessment via the RARS, the course/project leader(s) and their delegates cannot purchase any chemicals via the CCS. This measure only applied to the projects...
For Public
To enhance the awareness on safe custody of chemicals in laboratories, the Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Unit (ICTU) has produced a pamphlet "Safe Custody of Chemicals in Laboratories" for the staff of laboratories' reference. Please find the pamphlet copies here: Chinese versions and English versions, for your dissemination to lab users in your unit.
For Public
To All Chemical Purchasing Delegates and DSOs: In response to the situation of the COVID-19 infection, LSU will implement the following special working arrangements starting from 7 March, 2022 until further notice. Liquid Nitrogen dispensing services: Service only on Tuesday and Thursday (10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.) Chemical pick up: Service only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (9:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m...
For Public
Starting from 4 Feb 2022, order requests for dispensing liquid nitrogen service should be made in the Chemical Control system (CCS), details as follows: Users place orders via Chemical Control System on or before 09:30 a.m. on the collection date. Order Confirmation (Dispensing Liquid Nitrogen Service) email will be sent to chemical purchasing delegates. Please bring along the order confirmation...
For Public
LSU announced the launch of FIVE safety policies and guidelines as listed below with effective from 14 Jan 2022: Policy on eyesight testing for users of class 3B and 4 lasers; Chemical Safety Guidelines; Laser Safety Guidelines; Radiation Safety Guidelines; and General Laboratory Safety Guidelines. The above policies and guidelines have been approved by the University Laboratory Safety Committee...
For Public
Please note that the University’s “Safety Policy” and “University Policy on 2-tier Safety Check” have been revised and posted on FMO website under Safety and Health Information. Safety Policy of CityU University Policy on 2-tier Safety Check For more safety and health information, please visit the FMO website.
For Public
With reference to the University Policy on 2-tier Safety Check, Departmental Safety Officers / Representatives are required to carry out safety checks for their Departments / Offices / Centres on a half-yearly basis with reports submitted to Head of Department / Office / Centre for improvement actions and to the Senior Safety and Administration Manager of FMO. Safety Checklist for Administration /...