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An exhibition showcasing over 100 artworks by 14 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) will be held at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) from the end of September to December 2012. The exhibition is titled “Science and Art – Art Exhibition in Hong Kong by the Painting and Calligraphy Society of the Chinese Academy of Engineering 2012”.


The organizers wish to encourage students in Hong Kong to develop skills beyond their immediate areas of studies, and nurture their talent and interdisciplinary knowledge. In addition, the exhibition will help students better understand the importance of integrating science and technology with art as well as enhance their knowledge of traditional Chinese art and culture. The event also offers a platform for mainland scientists and local artists to meet and exchange ideas.


This is the first time that the CAE Painting and Calligraphy Society has ever organized an art exhibition in Hong Kong. CAE members will also hold other activities such as lectures, seminars, guided tours around the exhibition, and a book exhibition. The members hope that through their art they can inspire young people to become more versatile and adept in these two seemingly unrelated disciplines.


Membership of the CAE is the highest academic title in engineering science and technology in China. However, the exhibition shows that many engineering scientists excel in the arts, too, making them excellent role models for life-long learning and cross-disciplinary achievements.


This event is generously supported by the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, SAR, and The United Zhejiang Residents Associations (H.K.) Limited.