HARNET Upgrades

by C Y Kwok
In order to cope with the ever increasing demands for Internet bandwidth of HARNET (Hong Kong Academic & Research Network) member institutions, especially in anticipation of new demands due to increased number of students arising from the 3-3-4 curriculum reform, a series of upgrades were carried out on HARNET last year. Apart from increasing the bandwidth of the various Internet links, the central routers were also upgraded as their hardware throughput could no longer sustain the increased bandwidths. The upgrades include:
Bandwidth upgraded from 70 Mbps to 90 Mbps for the TEIN3 link (Jan 2013)
3 central routers replaced by 2 higher-end routers with a simplified network topology (Mar-May 2013)
Native IPv6 supported along with IPv4 over the Commodity Internet link (May 2013)
Commodity Internet bandwidth upgraded from 2 Gbps to 3 Gbps (Sep 2013)
Local Internet bandwidth via HKIX upgraded from 2 Gbps to 4 Gbps (Sep 2013)
The following diagram shows the latest HARNET.
In addition to the aforementioned upgrades, 3 GGC (Google Global Cache) servers were installed in Sep 2013 on the HARNET backbone network to improve performance and save Internet bandwidth by caching popular Google and YouTube content locally.