A Brief Glance at the Usage of Video Conferencing Facility
by Joe Chow
The Video Conferencing facility (VC) has always been popular among CityU users, and have you ever wondered what it is used for?
The use of VC in CityU can be catalogued into the following types:
Remote classroom:
Either lecturers or students are found at the far end. This kind of classes has been set up between Hong Kong and the US, Canada, the UK, Taiwan and other European countries.
Project and thesis presentation:
Students present their projects to the external examiners residing overseas.
Interview overseas candidate:
Overseas candidates who are not able to come to the CityU are interviewed.
Course panel meeting:
Some courses that are jointly organised by some overseas universities use VC to conduct panel meetings for local and overseas course organisers.
Joint class:
Some classrooms do not have enough seats to accommodate all students, and students in different classrooms can attend the same lecture at the same time.
Seminars and conferences
Seminars or conferences can be held to allow local and overseas participants to attend at the same time.
Below are the usage statistics in the first half of 2004:
Type |
Number of events
Remote classroom |
Project and thesis presentation |
Interview with overseas candidate |
Course panel meeting |
Joint class |
Seminars and conferences |
Total |
Compared to the 15 requests in 2003, this year sees an obvious jump in usage, which shows that users are getting familiar with the facility and its versatile functions. Would you be interested in giving it a try sometime?