Student Computer Literacy Programme Goes Online

by Yeung Man

Over the years, thousands of students have attended the Student Computer Literacy Programme organised by the Computing Services Centre. In the last academic year, the Programme accepted more than 20,000 course enrolments in 20 types of training courses. In this academic year, we have already accepted more than 9,000 enrolments, but still there are many students who cannot attend our free computer training courses. It is either because there are too many applicants or our training schedule cannot fit their schedule (though our training courses are held on every weekday evening and Saturday morning & afternoon). Besides, some students who have attended our courses also want to review what they have learnt some time later. Because of the above reasons, Computing Services Centre sees the need to put our computer courses online in parallel with the existing Programme.

We shall start with the online computer courses on Windows and MS Office (i.e. Introduction and Advanced Word, Introduction and Advanced Excel, Introduction to PowerPoint). Students can download the training materials and attend free online computer course at our computer literacy Web site ( Simply click "On-line Courses" and the following logon screen will appear:



If logon is successful, you will see a list of on-line courses as shown below.


Click on any one of the courses and a list of related topics will appear. To view a particular topic, click "View".


With the RealOne player installed, the video for the selected topic will start automatically. Please note that all the computer screens, mouse movements and actions are captured into a computer video (narrated by our experienced instructors). The following is an example of a video screen.


Together with other training materials (such as course handout, exercise sheet, exercise data file, exercise solution and presentation slide show) that can be downloaded at the above Web site, students can easily attend our Computer Literacy Programme at any time and at any place they prefer. The most important thing is that they can learn or review the materials at their own pace.