Zcon Tech


An efficient solution for people with disabilities to control computers with arm gestures rather than a mouse

There are 10 million people with arm disabilities in China, 70% of whom are unemployed. This is a huge social problem that should be taken seriously. Almost all kinds of work today is computer related, but people with arm disabilities have great difficulty using computers because they cannot use the mouse. To solve this problem, we propose a new human-computer interface solution for people with arm disabilities to use arm gestures to control the computer. This is very efficient and can help them work with computers more easily.


Team member(s)

Mr Lyu Xiaoqing* (PhD student, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, CityU)
Miss Shen Zhaoyi (Undergraduate student, Dept. of Linguistics and Translation, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)


  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2024)
  2. Champion (China Division) and 3rd Prize (International) , RoboMaster AI Challenge Competition (2021)
  3. Second Prize, The 2nd China Postgraduate Robot Innovation and Design Competition, Chinese Association of Degree and Graduate Education (2020)
  4. Silver Prize, 'Challenge Cup' - The 10th National Undergraduate Innovation Competition (2020)