Building Useable and Smarter Security Services for FinTech


The booming development of blockchain-based FinTech has significantly revolutionized today's financial systems. But the rising market value of these financial applications (apps) has also attracted attackers, who try to exploit security vulnerabilities in the apps. For example, an attacker might want to steal money from app users by exploiting software bugs. For business-related transactions, attackers might also try to hack the communication of users to get inside tips.

ChainSec is a security service proposed specially to address the risks in today's blockchain-based financial apps. It is a user-friendly service that allows easy connection by developers and app operators for proper defence against existing and future attacks. We will explore how to leverage advanced security techniques, like automatic exploit analysis, privacy-preserving blacklisting, and secure multi-party computation, to strengthen the security of today's financial apps. We will also explore the integration of AI to facilitate the detection of new attacks in the future to make our security service even more effective.



Team members

Dr Cai Chengjun* (Alumnus, Dept. of Computer Science, CityU)
Dr Du Yuefeng (Postdoc, Dept. of Computer Science, CityU)
Mr Chen Runfu (Alumnus, Community College of CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2022)