Construction Progress & Quality Management System


Our construction progress and quality management platform has two main features:

  1. a smart mobile and desktop app utilizes big-data and AI algorithms to optimise workforce allocation and matching processes between seekers (e.g. SMEs, developers, clients, main- and sub-contractors) and providers (e.g. professionals, and qualified workers); and
  2. the system applies block-chain encryption on timestamped 3D LiDAR data extracted periodically from job sites. The data is then compared to the design documents and BIM records to ensure conformity of construction progress and quality on site, allowing dynamic and interactive management of the conditions on site and personnel on duty.



Team members

Mr Benny Chan* (University of Lethbridge, Canada)
Mr Raymond Lau (McGill University, Canada)
Mr Lai Tsz-chung (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2022)
  2. HKSTP Ideation Programme (2022)
  3. Kiosks Operational in 30+ Locations in the Hong Kong International Airport, Airport Authority Hong Kong - Intelligent Customer Service Centre (i-CSC) Overall Kiosk Designs and System Integrations (2021)
  4. Short-Term Patent, HKSAR Intellectual Property Department (2020)


Company website