High power-density and high efficiency wireless charger for EVs using novel nanocrystalline material

This innovative project introduces an advanced wireless charger, fully exploring the potential of cutting-edge nanocrystalline materials. A functional prototype with bipolar windings successfully integrates various nanocrystalline materials, like ribbon cores and flake ribbons. The prototype achieves remarkable 97% coupler efficiency and 13 kW power output, surpassing market competitors in efficiency, power rating and notably, power density. The magnetic core design, which is only 4 mm, underwent thorough thermal verification, highlighting its practicality. The project demonstrates the revolutionary potential for wireless charging technology.



Mr Wang Yibo* (PhD student, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, CityU)
Dr Wei Shusheng (Postdoc, Department of Electrical Engineering, CityU)
Mr Chen Chen (PhD student, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)


  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2023)