User-curated e-commerce platform


The “LOOK” App is a user-curated e-commerce platform. Users and KOLs can share their outfit of the day (OOTD) posts and connect with e-shop products. Our auto-tag system and O2O navigation allow user content to be easily promoted. Users can easily find the location of fashion shops anytime, anywhere. It is a convenient tool for both users and merchants using referral traffic. Also, users can sell their own second-hand clothing to facilitate sustainable fashion. The app provides merchants with a more accurate insight to advertise on “LOOK”, enhances the connectivity between e-commerce and fashion KOLs, and creates a new type of job like Youtubers.



Team members

Mr Chan Wai-kin* (Undergrad, Dept. of Media and Communication, CityU)
Mr Wu Chun-kit (Alumnus, Dept. of Media and Communication, CityU)
Miss Wong Yim-lam (Alumnus, Dept. of Media and Communication, CityU)
Mr Ng Man-fai (Undergrad, Dept. of Media and Communication, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2021)