

i2Cool aims to promote a novel energy-free and environmentally friendly passive radiative cooling paint to save energy and assist in decarbonisation. The PaintTM features superior sunlight reflectance and thermal emittance, bringing out its outstanding all-day sub-ambient cooling capability and energy-saving potential. We are dedicated to delivering our self-developed and high-performance PaintTM to industries and society by collaborating with different parties and organisations in building, energy and paint industries. Our ultimate goal is to have a remarkable environmental and social impact, by mitigating the energy shortage and climate change, while facilitating the overall sustainable development and economic growth in Hong Kong.



Team members

Miss Du Yuwei* (Prospective PhD, School of Energy and Environment, CityU)
Mr Zhu Yihao (PhD student, School of Energy and Environment, CityU)
Dr Lee Hau-him (Postdoctoral, School of Energy and Environment, CityU)
Mr Lin Kaixin (PhD student, School of Energy and Environment, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2021)
  2. HKIE Environmental Division, Champion, Environmental Paper Award for the Paper “An Energy-free and Low-cost Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Paint for Energy Saving in Buildings and Decarbonization”, 2021
  3. Start-up Award Winner (HK$120,000), Idea Stage, Climate Action Recognition Scheme, 2020-21 
  4. Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED), Special Edition 2021. Invention Name: An Energy-Free, Low-Cost and High Cooling Performance Passive Radiative Cooling Technology for Building Applications, GCJ Medal: Gold with Congratulations of the Jury  
  5. Hanson I&T Outstanding Awards & Best Innovation Award, “Low-Cost High Performance Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling in Building Applications” Energy Saving Championship Scheme, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), HKSAR, 2019
  6. Best Paper Award, 4th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2018), Melbourne, Australia


Company website