

Every day, Hong Kong generates over 300 tonnes of textile waste. Although about 95% of textile waste could be reused or recycled, only 0.5% is actually recovered for recycling.

In light of this, Collage has created an effective solution to turn textile waste into new attractive pet products via technology, fabric combination and artistic input. In short, we turn waste into value!

Collage will be the centerpiece to orchestrate and bring resources together. Through our strategic partners, unused textiles will be collected and undergo a categorisation process. The designers will provide their artistic innovation to the product layout and textile combination. Sewing technicians will actualise the ideas to create the final form of stylish, eco-friendly pet accessories. Finally, Collage will provide online and offline distribution channels for customers.

This creates a win-win situation.

Designers are given the creative freedom to implement their ideas, and local sewing technicians will have the opportunity to utilise their skills. Both parties can leverage their market reputation and be rewarded monetarily. More importantly, their contributions will have a direct impact on the environment and endow otherwise wasted resources with a ‘second life’.

Customers can directly endorse sustainable development by purchasing these upcycled goods. In the long term, this will signal a clear change in consumer behaviour and the empirical need for large fast-fashion brands to revamp their business model to align with the mainstream, environmentally conscious, ethically led market. End-customers can also expect to get stylish, eco-friendly products at a fraction of the usual market price!



Team members

Miss Tam Wing-hei* (Alumna, School of Creative Media, CityU)
Miss Chan Hei-ching (Trinity College Dublin)
Miss Nicole Cheung Hoi-ching (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2022)