

Indoor 3D Scanning Drone

The project aims to develop a drone that can be used in an indoor environment. Its main functions are 3D scanning and high accuracy measurement. Another function availabl involves examing hidden problems on buildings, such as cracks on a wall, and providing a report. The drone can get into places that are difficult to access with manual controls. When the drone scans an area, the user can measure through any two points within the 3D model generated by the drone.



Mr Chan Ching-lung* (Undergraduate student, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, CityU)
Mr Sin Joy-leung (Alumnus, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, CityU)
Mr Chan Chi-chung (Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)


  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2024)