Diamond nanoneedle-based transfection method for cell therapy

We are developing a rapid and inexpensive method to efficiently and effectively deliver gene materials to cells using diamond nanoneedle chips. Cell therapy has made significant breakthroughs in cancer treatment and is becoming one of the most promising therapeutic approaches to eradicate tumours. However, existing methods still face challenges, such as low delivery efficiency, low transfection throughput and significant cell damage, which hinder the development of cell therapy. Diamond nanoneedles offer a number of advantages, including high mechanical strength and small size, which enable them to induce instantaneous deformation of the cell membrane and facilitate the entry of genetic material into cells without damaging them. We have developed nanoneedle technology for various cell transfection applications with promising results. Our next objective is to develop a commercialised product that will enable standardised transfection and production of therapeutic cells.


Team member(s)

Dr Zhao Xi* (Alumnus, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, CityU)
Dr Yang Yang (Alumnus, APMS, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)


  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2024)