AIMSec: AI-powered Mobile Security


AI-powered Mobile Security (AIMSec) is dedicated to developing an AI-assisted, reliable and secure authentication system for mobile devices. The first product under development is a second-factor authentication system, based on a pattern lock. This system can offer biometric level seamless protection for mobile phones by analysing the unique hand geometry and movement patterns of different users. With the aid of AI technology, our biometric-based solution can strengthen the security of the widely used pattern lock scheme in modern smartphones.



Team members

Mr Chen Yongliang* (PhD Student, Dept. of Computer Science, CityU)
Mr Ni Tao (PhD Student, Dept. of Computer Science, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)


1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2021)
2. Rising Star Award, ACM SIGBED China Chapter (2021)