Submitted by chichung on
Job Matriz Limited


JobMatriz is a one-stop online job portal for slashers and SMEs. Our vision is to match the right talent to the right job. JobMatriz emphasises Micro-Credentials in recruitment activities. Users can manage jobs from start to finish on JobMatriz in a systematic and automatic way.

Job opportunities
Find a suitable job with just one click to search for salary, skills, location, etc.

Flexible working hours
No more 9 to 5 jobs. Slashers can plan and arrange your jobs through the scheduling function.

Résumés integration
Integrate your skills, experience and reviews into a sustainable, well-organised personal homepage.



Mr Lee Yung-kin (Alumnus, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, CityU)
Mr So Chun-wai (Graduate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

(Info based on the company's application form)


  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Angel Fund (2022)
  2. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2021)