HKLife Founder and Chairman
Professor Albert Yu Cheung-hoi received his PhD from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada and spent subsequent years in UCSF, Stanford University, HKUST and Peking University. Professor Yu is a world-renowned bio-entrepreneur and scientist with over 30 years of experience in the field of neuroscience and molecular diagnostics. He has published over 170 peer review scientific papers, several commentaries in Science and Nature Biotechnology, and 9 books. He found HKLife and has invented numerous technologies including 72 global patents. Professor Yu creates the BioRadar® System which aims to accelerate the development of precision medicine and guided treatment. His broad cross-cultural experience and an active involvement in both the academic and business create an extensive global network and contacts. He is now an important facilitator of dialogue regarding the development of biotechnology in Asia, putting Hong Kong onto the global biotechnology map. Recently, he pushes forward a major international biotech convention - BIOHK, so as for all of us to have a global biotech platform in Asia to showcase our accomplishments, exchange ideas, trade our products, fundraising, and more.
(Updated as at Aug 2021)