CEO, Certizen Limited
Ms Eva Chan has years of experience in the information technology industry. In 2000, she founded a science and technology innovation company with the mission of promoting the development of a smart city. The company’s objective is to provide network security services and to support a secure and efficient e-commerce environment. Certizen Limited was established and became the operator of Hongkong Post Certification Authority. Throughout the years, she has been a strong advocator for the application and promotion of secure payment methods to support local and international secure e-commerce activities.
As an expert in cryptography, Ms Chan has been promoting the use of cryptography to provide security infrastructure for smart city development, as well as to promote the deep integration of cryptography and smart city, with the aim to strengthen and protect the foundation and development of smart economy and smart city.
At the same time, taking advantage of her field of expertise, Ms Chan promotes the collaboration of blockchains technology enablement across industries, provides a new generation of distributed trust network chains, and provides a secure, reliable, evidence-based and legally-based encrypted trading channel between Hong Kong and the mainland.
(Updated as at Dec 2022)