Partner of Ernst & Young
Ms Dilys Chau is a practising CPA and a partner of Ernst & Young, one of the Big Four. She is also the assurance leader of Consumer Products Industry in EYHK. She has over 25 years of experience in assurance and business advisory services specialising in providing audit, IPO, fundraising, mergers and acquisitions and business advisory services for different corporations.
Ms Chau has many years of experience serving her profession and the community. She has been appointed to various authorities and organisations participating in setting of the HKSAR Government public policies and received Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service in July 2021.
Her current major appointments include Member of the Board of Travel Industry Authority and the Board of Advisors of the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) under the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau; Member respectively of the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service under the Civil Service Bureau; the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research under the Education Bureau and the Process Review Panel for the Securities and Futures Commission under the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau.
Ms Chau had served as a board member of City University of Hong Kong (CityU) for 6 years and had received from CityU the honours of Distinguished Alumni in 2011 and Honorary Fellow in 2016. She has been an Adjunct Professor of the College of Business of CityU since 2012 and is currently a board member of the CityU Veterinary Medical Center.
Ms Chau was the President of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Hong Kong. She is a practising accountant of HKICPA, a fellow member of ACCA and a Macau Certified Public Accountant. She graduated from CityU Department of Accountancy with a Bachelor Degree (Honours) and has a Master Degree in Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
(Updated as at Aug 2021)