Executive Committee of Hong Kong Startup Council, Federation of Hong Kong Industries; and CXO of ParticleX
Mr Mingles Tsoi is currently the CXO (Chief eXploration Officer) of ParticleX, an early stage to Pre-A round institutional investment fund aiming at startups with hands-on technology initiative, proven customer-problem-fit and problem-solution-fit achievements. His leadership in providing unique post-investment support services has gained much reputation from the portfolio companies. Mr Tsoi was an entrepreneur owning his own consultancy company since 1997. He is also a pioneer in startup education. He had been working with the CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship as Project Director since 2007. Some of his major accomplishments including the “Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge", the first CU Alumni Entrepreneur Census to investigate the success factors of leading entrepreneurs from local university education and the Google’s Empowering Young Entrepreneur (EYE) Program. He was invited to join KPMG China as the Director since 2015, to set up the Innovation and Startup Centre in Beijing.
Mr Tsoi is also enthusiastic in youth development. He contributes his experience and knowledge in providing voluntary mentoring and business training services to various non-profit organizations. He was the Co-opted Members of the Working Group of Youth Development Fund of the Commission on Youth, and as Non-official Member of the Social Enterprise Advisory Committee respectively. He also serves on a number of boards and committees, including Hong Kong Business Angel Network (HKBAN), Cyberport Investors Network (CIN), DIT Committee of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Startup Council and HKITIC of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Founding and Council Member of the Lions Club HK IFC, and the Chairman of the Academic and Accreditation Advisory Committee of the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA). He is a CFT® holder, and fellow members of accountancy qualifications of IFA, IPA and CMA.
(Updated as at Aug 2021)