Head of Corporate Advisory, CCTH CPA Limited
With over 20 years of experience in the industry, as a renowned veteran financial market professional in various places and countries such as Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and USA. Mr Chui, a.k.a. “Prof. J.” (abbreviated “PJ”) identifies an opportunity to replicate and scale the success of that innovative and transformational cross-border transaction. He has considerable knowledge and extensive work experience in new business development, financial management, strategic management, corporate finance, Merger and Acquisition and Legal and Compliance. And he has earned several academic degrees, including Master of Corporate Governance with Distinction from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Master of Law (LLM) in Chinese Business Law from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Science in Investment Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Executive Master of Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2000, he completed Master of Engineering in Electronic Commerce from The University of Hong Kong. He is holders of CPA (Australia), ACG, HKACG, CFC and CWM.
Throughout his career, Prof. J has taken up different major key positions of various local banks, financial institutions and major companies, including PCCW (formerly known as Hong Kong Telecommunications); Sun-evision (a technology arm of Sun Hui Kai Properties); Sun Hung Kai Financial; Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd.; the China Galaxy International (a wholly owned subsidiary of China Galaxy Securities); Zhong Tai Financial Holdings Ltd.; the Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Asia Pacific Region and the Partner in Mithera Capital, a U.S.-based PE Fund which completed a transaction of USD 900m for merger and acquisition in the U.S. with the partnering of China Listed Corporation. In addition, Prof. J. has been the Independent Non-Executive Director of several listed companies. He has advised The Board in areas of auditing, internal control, risk management, technology competency, direct investment and led the board to comply with the corporate governance.
In his leisure time, he is a life-long learner and enjoys teaching and sharing with people. Besides, Prof. J is the author of 24 books on financial products, marketing and corporate governance. He is now the adjunct professor of College of Business in City University of Hong Kong; honorary Professor of Huashang College Guangdong University of Finance and Economics; chairman, marketing and media committee of HKINED; chief convenor, investment governance committee, Institute of compliance officers.
(Updated as at Apr 2022)