Co-opted Member of Federation of Hong Kong Industries; Chairman of Hong Kong Startup Council; and Founder & CEO of Cherrypicks Limited
Mr Chiu is the founder and CEO of Cherrypicks, a leader in mobile innovation, specializing in making cities smarter and growing the eLearning community. Jason is an industry icon in Hong Kong well known for his successful entrepreneurial experience in mobile innovation. With disruptive Online-to-Offline (O2O) solutions as well as patent-pending products and technology inventions, Cherrypicks has represented Hong Kong and China in many world stages and won over 100 local and international awards. The early entrepreneurial journey of the company was also featured as a Harvard Business School case study (#N9-807-106). Cherrypicks' solution business and Cherrypicks alpha, another start-up spun off with the company’s product business, were strategically merged with NetDragon (HKSE:777) in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Apart from leading both entities, Jason is also a mentor and angel investor for a number of start-ups, incubators and co-working spaces to give back to start-ups in Hong Kong and Silicon Valley.
(Updated as at Aug 2021)