Chief Consultant, Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Mr Howard Ling is the Chief Consultant of HKCSS Social Enterprise Business Centre (SEBC), and the Convenor of Artificial Intelligence & Social Intelligence Alliance (AISIA). Mr Ling began his social entrepreneurial journey in 2004. He founded and consulted over 50 social enterprises such as Bijas, Happy Veggies, Direction Association for the Handicapped Social Enterprise, Chinese Opera for Children, Angelchild factory, Cook1Cook, Full Sky Technology, and Dr. Mask. He also serves as a consultant or advisor to many foundations, and educational institutions in Hong Kong and Macau. He was awarded the Medal of Honour (MH) by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and the Hong Kong Humanity Award in 2017 for his dedicated public and community services, particularly his contributions to the development of social enterprises.
(Updated as at Sep 2022)