Managing Director, ME Lite Company Limited
Founder of Me Lite Company Limited
Vice Chairman of Youth Committee of the Chinese Manufacturers' Association
Mr Eric To graduated in B.Eng Industrial Engineering from Northeastern University, United States. He founded ME Lite Company Limited in 2012, with over ten years of experience in the electronic technology and lighting industry. ME Lite provides various products, including LED lights, IR/RF remote control switch system, PIR sensor, light sensor, dimming driver and intelligent control system, etc. Over the years, Mr To has developed over 300 quality lighting products. Each product is certified with all safety standards in Hong Kong as well as European Standards; these products are also in compliance with the safety standard imposed by The Hong Kong Fire Services Department (FSD).
Mr To is keen on bringing high-tech products to cope with the rapid demands of environmental protection, enhancing competitiveness via innovation, as well as improving product quality and operation efficiency to achieve energy saving and emission reduction.
(Updated as at Jan 2022)