Chief Operations Officer, CMA Industrial Development Foundation Limited (CMA Testing)
Mr Dominic Lam Chun-hong, the Chief Operations Officer of CMA Testing and Certification laboratories (CMA Testing), joined the company in 1990 and is leading the whole Group including the Hong Kong head office and the subsidiaries in Shanghai and Shenzhen.
Mr Lam has extensive working and management experience in testing and certification industry. He obtained Master of Advanced Analytical Chemistry from the University of Bristol (UK), Master of Business Administration from City University of Hong Kong, and Professional Diploma (Enterprise Directorship) from Hong Kong Productivity Training Institute. Mr Lam is a Chartered Chemist and Fellow (FRSC) of Royal Society of Chemistry, Visiting Lecturer for MSc. in Analytical Chemistry (2003-2006), and Member of Science Faculty Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Baptist University (2002-2005). In addition, Mr Lam is the Member of Member of Mechanical Engineering Programme Board (2011-2019) and Member Health and Science Discipline Advisory Board (2006-2021) of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, the Industrial Advisor for the Bachelor of Engineering in Total Quality Engineering (BENG TQE) programme of City University of Hong Kong (2011-present), Member of Advisory Committee on Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2020 – 2022).
Mr Lam is appointed by the HKSAR Government as member in various government departments’ advisory committees, including the Advisory Committee to the Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute under Department of Health, Expert Group under "the Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance" under Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Industry Training Advisory Committee - Testing, Inspection & Certification under Education Bureau, Chinese Medicines Industry Subcommittee (CMISC) under the Chinese Medicine Development Committee of Food and Health Bureau, and the Accreditation Advisory Board Working Party on Biological and Chemical Testing under Hong Kong Accreditation Service. Moreover, Mr Lam was a member of Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC), the Convener of the expert group on Product Certification System and Member of the Panel on Promoting Testing and Certification Services in Chinese Medicine Trade and the Panel on Promoting Testing and Certification Services in Environmental Protection Trade seconded by HKCTC.
(Updated as at Jan 2022)