Director, Dolphin Concepts Limited
Mr Clarence Hung is the founder and the director of Dolphin Concepts (established in 2013). He is also the founder of a start-up, Greenteeth Technology (established in 2019).
Dolphin Concepts focuses on providing R&D services and solutions on wireless sensory network and internet of things mainly used in US market. With the Hong Kong head office and Shenzhen R&D office, Dolphin Concepts develops connectivity solutions for its customers who want to transform their traditional products into connected products.
Greenteeth Technology mainly provides tailor-made products and solutions for residential and commercial scenarios which involve monitoring and controlling through connected sensors and devices. The company also automates the old equipment with plug-in hardware to help its customers to improve efficiency.
Prior to establishing his own ventures, Mr Hung was the CEO and General Manager at Fujian Youtong Electronics (subsidiary of SCUD Group Limited, 01399.HK) and Chief Representative of Greater China at Primex Family of Companies. He has worked extensively in R&D and management positions for Hong Kong, US and China-based companies.
Mr Hung holds a Higher Diploma, a BEng (Hon) in Computer Engineering and a MSc in Electronic Engineering from City University of Hong Kong. He also holds an MBA from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He actively takes the roles as mentor and industrial project supervisor in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
(Updated as at Sep 2022)