Responsible Officer & Investment Manager, China Point Assets Management Limited
Mr Alan Chan got his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in System Analysis, from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1983; and his master’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in International Finance, from the North Texas State University in 1984.
Mr Chan came back to Hong Kong and worked as a securities research analyst at a local securities broker in 1986. He started his career in the financial field since then. He has been working for 20 years in the sell-side of the financial market, from the back office to the front end and to the overall management, of different securities houses.
He moved onto the assets management sector, that is, the buy-side of the financial market in 2006. He has been working as the Responsible Officer (licensed by the HK SFC) of different hedge funds since then. Besides the daily operation of the fund management companies, he is responsible for seeking investment targets for the funds, including different both listed and pre-IPO companies.
(Updated as at Dec 2022)