Director and CTO, Gravity Capital Partners Co. Ltd
Ir Dr Alan Lam is one of awardees of Ten Outstanding Young People in Hong Kong in 2015 (industry and business). He has been engaged in scientific research and information technology research and development since 1996, and has been actively participating in various professional and public services in the information technology sector. He founded Sengital Limited in 2004.
Over the years, Dr Alan Lam has won numerous awards and obtained dozens of innovation and technology awards and related patents. He actively promotes innovation and technology and service industries. He is currently serving as Chairman of LSCM (Logistics and Supply Chain Multi-Tech R&D Centre), an Adjunct Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong, teaching courses related to the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. Ir Dr Alan Lam joined the Gravity Capital Partner Co., Limited as a director and chief technology officer in 2021. He hopes to help small and medium-sized enterprises through over ten years of his experience in innovation & technology and entrepreneurship as well as to integrate with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) capabilities for sustainable development through Gravity’s impact investment platform.
(Updated as at Jan 2022)