Chairman & CEO, Altai Technologies Limited
As a high-tech entrepreneur, Dr Raymond Leung foresaw the upsurge demand in mobile devices, therefore he lined up many global investors such as H&Q Asia Pacific, The Carlyle Group to form ATL, a battery solution provider. The company has grown to become the leading lithium-ion/polymer battery solution provider in the world. Being the leader in the industry, its products have been used in mobile devices and electrical vehicles.
Dr Leung had managed and operated businesses with annual sales of over US$5 billion. He was the Chairman and CEO of TDK China, the Chairman of SAE Magnetics, as well as the Founder and Chairman of ATL. He served as the Executive Vice President of TDK Corporation, Japan, and was the first non-Japanese officer appointed for the post since its establishment in 1935.
Dr Leung guided SAE to grow from a floppy disk manufacturer to becoming the world's largest independent supplier of magnetic recording heads for the HDD industry, and diversify the product development to open up the optical communication business. Over the years, he built a number of successful startups in Greater China, such as Altai Technologies.
Under the leadership of Dr Leung, the Altai Super WiFi is now the world’s number 1 outdoor technology provider in over 100 countries, including U.S., Australia and “The Belt and Road” countries.
Dr Leung has been conferred the Honorary Fellowship and the Distinguished Alumni Award from City University of Hong Kong (CityU). He graduated with an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) degree from CityU in 2009. Currently, Dr. Leung is the Chairman of the Eminence Society and a Council Member of CityU.
(Updated as at Aug 2021)