Executive Director, The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
Dr Jimmy Wong was appointed in January 2021 as the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE), which is one of the established organisations providing programmes and training for the most gifted and talented students aged 10 to 18 in Hong Kong. Under his leadership, the HKAGE continues to promote gifted education with the multi-facetted definitions of giftedness and integrates the concept of whole-person development in the newly developed gifted education curriculum.
Dr Wong graduated with a BSc degree in Physics with Astrophysics from King’s College, University of London, MSc. and PhD in Material Science from Imperial College London. Upon his return to Hong Kong in the mid-1990s, he began his research and science education career. He is regarded as the “Father of STEM Education” in Hong Kong and has nurtured numerous top students and teachers in the field of STEM and creativity education. He founded the Hong Kong Science & Creativity Society in 2002 and the Hong Kong STEM Education Association in 2016. He is currently the Chairman of both organisations. He is also a member of the Public Libraries Advisory Committee advising the HKSAR Government on the development of public libraries and a member of the Steering Committee on Strategic Development of IT in Education advising the Education Bureau on IT education in Hong Kong.
Dr Wong was awarded the HKSAR Government Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service in 2011 to honour his contribution in the field of science and innovation technology education in Hong Kong.
(Updated as at Sep 2022)