CityU Court Member; Honorary Treasurer of Eminence Society; Managing Director of Gary Cheng Group
Dr Cheng has over 20 years of professional accounting experience. He started his career in auditing listed financial institutions in Pricewaterhouse in 1990’s and established Gary Cheng CPA Limited in 1998.
Dr Cheng specializes in tax investigation, insolvency and due diligence related assignments. He is a Qualified Insolvency Practitioner and a holder of the Specialist Designation in Insolvency awarded by HKICPA.
Dr Cheng is also a specialist in Corporate Governance with academic publications exploring the voluntary corporate disclosure and adoption of best corporate governance practices.
His professional qualifications include:
- Fellow of Certified Public Accountants (Practising) (FCPA)
- Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
- Fellow of The Society of Chinese Accountants & Auditors (MSCA)
- Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (FTIHK)
- Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA)
- Certified Public Accountants of USA (CPA)
- Member of American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Member of Illinois CPA Society
- Qualified Insolvency Practitioner, HKICPA
- Specialist Designation in Insolvency, HKICPA
- Certificate of PRC Leadership Talent Training Programme, the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) and Ministry of Finance, PRC
Dr Cheng received his Doctor’s degree in Business Administration from City University of Hong Kong and studied advanced management program in University of California Berkeley. He received his MBA and Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Southern Illinois University.
(Updated as at Aug 2021)