Advanced Electron Microscopy and Instrumentation
11 - 12 December, 2023 | Hong Kong, China, 13 - 14 December, 2023 | Shenzhen, China
The electron microscope is one of the most widely used research tools in modern science, playing a pivotal role in virtually all areas of natural science, as well as across a broad range of technologies from basic research to industry. The topic of this Forum is advanced electron microscopy and instrumentation. This Forum will focus on (1) Electron Microscopy in Materials Physics, (2) Advanced Instrumentation and Quantum Electron Microscopy, (3) Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Imaging, (4) Imaging soft matter by electron microscopy. We would like to invite the leading scientists in the relevant field, including two Kavli and Wolf Prize Laureates. The objective of the forum is to highlight and discuss achievements, challenges, and perspectives in advanced electron microscopy and instrumentation and their applications in materials science, biology, and physics. Specific emphasis will be placed on the use of combinations of state-of-the-art techniques in electron microscopy and their applications. This Forum provides an excellent opportunity for the students, early-career young scientists, and professors at CityU and local scientific communities in Hong Kong to communicate with internationally prominent scholars face to face and topic by topic, to initiate and strengthen international collaborations.