Gateway Education

City University of Hong Kong is committed to providing students with a quality education that develops their intellectual abilities while providing them with the skills and knowledge base they will need to successfully navigate the complexities of the 21st century.

To lead a fulfilling and successful life against a backdrop of rapidly changing global needs requires a wide range of skills and knowledge. These include the ability to think critically, to reason logically and quantitatively and to communicate effectively. In addition, it is important that everyone has an understanding of sciences that increasingly shape our environment, an awareness of the cultural movements and diversity that have shaped societies and their values, and an appreciation of the enduring arts that express, inspire and continually challenge these values.

GE, in essence, augments and rounds out the specialised training students receive in their majors by enabling them to achieve a breadth of knowledge through exposure to multiple disciplines. GE is the glue that holds disciplines together.

GE is the core of an undergraduate education. It is “general” in that GE provides students with a comprehensive educational experience and prepares them for lifelong learning; it promotes intellectual curiosity and a love of learning.