How to Give

Choose your preferred method

You can make a difference effortlessly. Choose your preferred method: make a gift online or download forms. With just a few clicks, you can support the causes close to your heart. Experience the convenience of online giving or complete forms at your convenience. Join us in empowering positive change today.

Explore your giving option

Besides making donation to the University, you may wish to name CityUHK as the beneficiary in your will or life insurance plans.

Customize Your Gift

You may also consider designating any item of your property including stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. for the University in support of its development.

Please feel free to contact us at

Gift from the US

For supporters who would like to make a donation to CityUHK with their United States-based assets, they will enjoy tax-deductions by contributing to our non-profit partner, Give to Asia.

Please feel free to contact us at