1 | CSHK工作論文系列-第一號- 一帶一路大事記 This is a baseline summary report on the chronology of B&R major events since 2013, as part of our background research findings. It summarizes and charts the evolution of the major actors and institutions of B&R and thus enables us to explain policy processes and outcomes through a historical analysis of these major events. |
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2 | CSHK工作論文系列-第二號-「新時代新戰略新機遇:“一帶一路”建設董秘交流會議綜述」(“New Challenges and Opportunities in New Age: China Association of Public Companies Conference on Belt and Road Construction”) This is a summary of our observations at a meeting on 27 November 2017 at Beijing in which our Centre Director Prof Linda Chelan Li gave an invited presentation of our work in relation to Hong Kong and B&R at the China Association of Public Companies. It summarizes the views by the senior executives of the member companies and Association officials at the meeting on the opportunities and challenges of infrastructure developments in B∓R countries, the roles of Hong Kong in constructing a soft power hub for B&R and the practical experience of China public companies in B&R projects. Their insights and comments will further be evaluated and incorporated into our final products and report. |
3 | CSHK Working Paper 3 - Panel Discussions at CSHK Inaugural Seminar - A Detailed Summary This is a detailed summary of the panel discussions at CSHK inaugural seminar. |
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4 | CSHK on COVID-19 - An Evolving Report - The Hong Kong Narrative |
5 | 粤港澳大湾区城市群以外的 大马城市群到泰国城市群的发展 (提升基建项目投资成功率) Beyond the City Agglomeration of Greater Bay Area - From City Agglomeration of Malaysia to City Agglomeration of Thailand (Improving the Investment Success Rate of Infrastructure Projects) 2018 广州学与全球城市发展国际论坛 主题:广州学与全球城市发展 |
中 |
6 | CSHK Working Paper 6 - Global Connectivity, Opportunities and Challenges: Hong Kong and ETCZs along the B&R
Opening Symposium, CityU CSHK PASS Workshop Series DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35210.18880 |
7 | CSHK Working Paper 7 - Cultural Diversity and Efficient Management: Hong Kong Professional Services, Overseas Investments and Special Economic Zones in Cambodia
A Summary of Discussion CityU CSHK PASS Workshop Series – Workshop 1 |
8 | CSHK Working Paper 8 - Cultural Diversity and Efficient Management: Hong Kong Professional Services, Overseas Investments and Ports in Sri Lanka
A Summary of Discussion CityU CSHK PASS Workshop Series – Workshop 2 |
9 | CSHK Working Paper 9 - Cultural Diversity and Risk Management: Hong Kong Professional Services, Overseas Investments and Industrial Park Development in Vietnam
A Summary of Discussion CityU CSHK PASS Workshop Series – Workshop 3 |
10 | CSHK Working Paper 10 - Innovation and Cultural Diversity: Hong Kong Professional Services, Overseas Investment, and Industrial Park Development in Malaysia
A Summary of Discussion CityU CSHK PASS Workshop Series – Workshop 4 |
11 | CSHK Working Paper 11 - Cultural Diversity and Risk Management: Hong Kong Professional Services, Overseas Investment and Industrial Park Development in Belarus and Djibouti
A Summary of Discussion CityU CSHK PASS Workshop Series – Workshop 5 |
12 | CSHK Working Paper 12 - Cultural Diversity and Risk Management: Hong Kong Professional Services, Overseas Investment & Special Economic Zone Development in Myanmar
A Summary of Discussion CityU CSHK PASS Workshop Series – Workshop 6 |
13 | CSHK Working Paper 13 - Meeting Points for Boundless Insights: The Ways Forward for Hong Kong Professional Services and Overseas Investments
A Summary of Discussion CityU CSHK PASS Workshop Series – Closing Forum |
14 | CSHK Working Paper 14 - Submission of Comments on IFRS’ Sustainability Exposure Drafts
[IFRS S1 – General requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information] [IFRS S2 – Climate-related Disclosures] |
15 | CSHK Working Paper 15 - Hong Kong Professional Services and the Belt and Road Initiative , envisaging sustainable policy development
A Summary of Discussion CityU CSHK Book Launch Seminar |
ENG | 16 | CSHK 工作論文系列第十六號 - 香港學童自殺與對策研討會–會議紀要 | 中 |