Conference on Chemistry of 2D materials

Featuring 35 experts from around the world, “Chemistry of 2D Materials” held online from 17 to 19 May focuses thematically on experimental and theoretical methods by which materials are characterised with atomic precision. Attention will be paid to the applications of 2D materials, particularly those that showcase reactivity in catalysis and energy storage. The event is presented by CityU in collaboration with Nature Conferences.

This conference is a pre-launch event for HK Tech Forum, a series of talks covering a range of cutting-edge research topics and challenging technology issues throughout the year. Topics will include, in addition to Chemistry in 2D Materials, Data Science and AI, System Reliability, Energy and Environment, Advanced Matter and Materials, Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment, Quantum Physics and Applications, and Metabolism in Health and Disease.

Library exhibition: Travel to the Cyber Joy World: Think Before You Act

Jointly presented by the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Cyber-Joy Enjoy Lab and Run Run Shaw Library, the “Travel to the Cyber Joy World: Think Before You Act” exhibition aims to enhance digital literacy skills and enable safer navigation of the cyber world, covering cyber aggression, cyber ethics and law, and copyright and ethical use of information. The exhibition is taking place from now until 5 June at the Wofoo Foundation Gallery, Run Run Shaw Library. For enquiries, please email or