Information Strategy and Governance Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. The Information Strategy and Governance Committee, acting under the authority delegated to it by the President, shall oversee and approve the strategic plan and priorities, policies, governance and compliance of the University’s information communication technology (ICT) services.
  2. It shall review and approve long-term IT strategic plans and receive annual progress reports and/or updates for conformance to University’s strategic directions and priorities.
  3. To report to the President on strategy, policies, approved plans and priorities, and to review and approve associated resource and budget proposal for submission to Budget Committee. To seek direction and approval from the President on issues that warrant escalation.
  4. To appoint sub-committees, working parties and similar bodies for the purpose of discharging the duties of the Committee, and to approve their terms of reference and membership.



  • Vice-President (Administration)

Ex-officio Members

  • Provost
  • Chief Information Officer


  • Up to two members of the full-time staff nominated by the President
  • Up to two members of the full-time academic staff nominated by the Provost
  • Up to two members of the full-time administration staff nominated by the Vice-President (Administration)

Co-opted Member

  • Associate Provost (Student Life)


  • To be appointed by the Chairman


  • Director of Computing Services
  • Director of Enterprise Solutions Office