CHEM2003 - Biochemistry

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Chemistry
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
CHEM1200/BCH1200 or CHEM2071/BCH2071 or CHEM2007/BCH2007
Equivalent Course(s)
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to provide students:
1. an understanding of the chemical structure of biomolecules involved in mammalian metabolism;
2. concepts in biochemical reactions involved in metabolism;
3. principles behind the free energy flow in several major metabolic pathways and their controls and integration;
4. up-to-date knowledge on the biochemical basis of some human diseases and the biochemical techniques used in biotechnology.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 30%
Examination: 70%
Examination Duration: 3 hours

Starting from Semester A, 2015-16, students must satisfy the following minimum passing requirement for courses offered by CHEM: "A minimum of 40% in both coursework and examination components."€

Detailed Course Information
