International Relations and Global Affairs
Normative 4-year Degree
International Relations and Global Affairs
Degree / Award Title
Bachelor of Social Sciences in International Relations and Global Affairs
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Public and International Affairs
Normal Period of Study
4 years
Maximum Period of Study
8 years
Credit Units Required for Graduation
120 credit units
Note: The following curriculum information is subject to periodic review and changes.

GE Requirements (30 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

  Credit Units
GE University Requirements GE1401 University English 3
GE2412 English for Humanities and Social Sciences 3
GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy 3
GE Distributional Requirements Take at least 1 course from each of the three distributional areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Area 3: Science and Technology

Visit the GE website for more course information.
College-specified Courses

Take 3 courses from the following:

CAH2503 World Art and Culture
CAH2510 Cultural Exchange in Global Context
CAH2516 Society and Performance
CAH2545 Exploring China: Words, Images, and Objects
CAH2812 Early and Imperial China
CAH2854 Urban History of China
CAH2865 History of Chinese Art
CAH3522 Culture and Heritage of Asian Communities
CAH3852 World Archaeology
COM3107 Fundamentals of Persuasive Communication
COM3408 Integrated Strategic Communication
EN2321 Modern and Contemporary Fiction
EN2721 The Art of Life Narrative
EN2801 Popular Culture and Social Life
EN2848 Language and Digital Media
EN3579 World Literature in English
EN3591 Hong Kong Language and Society
LT2229 Fundamentals of Linguistics
LT2232 English Linguistics - Communicative Functions of Grammar
LT2306 Appreciating Written Texts
LT3234 Language and Cognition
LT3345 Discovering and Managing Terms
PIA2032 Hong Kong: Continuity and Change
PIA2073 Understanding Culture in Japan and China through Film
PIA2200 Introduction to International Studies Through Film
PIA2224 Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development
PIA2308 Working with Clients in Public Service
PIA3033 Culture and Change in Asia
PIA3113 Issues in Contemporary World Politics
PIA3120 Politics and Media
PIA3207 Health Care Policy and Ethics
PIA3309 Comparative Public Policy and Management
PIA3310 Smart Government and Sustainable Cities
PIA3410 Management Ethics
PIA3900 Innovation and Governance
PIA4953 Housing Policy and Contemporary Society
PIA4954 Housing Management and Practice
SS1012 Youth in a Changing Society
SS2613 Psychology for Young Professionals

College / School Requirements (6 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

Liberal Arts Studies (select one course)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CAH1603Great Works in the Humanities3
EN2011English on the Move3
LT1101Amazing Things about Language3

Social Sciences Studies (select one course)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
COM1101Media and Communication in the Digital Age3
PIA2801Social Change and Governance Challenges: A Critical Appreciation through Film3
SS1600Discovering the Mystery of Applied Social Sciences3

Courses for fulfilment of  the College Requirement must not be offered by the student's home department.

Major Requirements (63 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

1. Core Courses (51 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
PIA2105Introduction to Political Science3
PIA2402Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy3
PIA2012Social Research Methods3
PIA2030Traditions of Inquiry in the Social Sciences3
PIA2050Comparative Politics and Societies3
PIA3031Political Dynamics in Asia3
PIA3032State and Economy in Asia3
PIA3121Theories of International Relations3
PIA3123Theories of Development3
PIA3126International Political Economy3
PIA3130U.S. Politics and Foreign Policy3
PIA3142Global Social Movements3
PIA3151Managing New Global Challenges3
PIA3153European Politics and International Relations3
PIA3800Professional Internship3
PIA3812International Experience0
PIA4123International Security3
PIA4152Globalization and Its Discontents3

 2. Electives (12 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
PIA2032Hong Kong: Continuity and Change3
PIA2040History and Society in Asia3
PIA2041Political and Social Development in China3
PIA2073Understanding Culture in Japan and China through Film3
PIA2104Hong Kong Governance3
PIA2200Introduction to International Studies Through Film3
PIA2914Introduction to Japanese Society3
PIA2918A Portrait of Japan : Experiencing Japanese Culture3
PIA2958Introduction to Korean Society3
PIA3003PIA Summer School3
PIA3033Culture and Change in Asia3
PIA3034Environmental Challenges in Asia and the World3
PIA3046Asian Migration and the Global Diasporas3
PIA3060Special Topics in Asian Studies I3
PIA3070Special Topics in Development Studies3
PIA3111Democracy and Democratization3
PIA3113Issues in Contemporary World Politics3
PIA3120Politics and Media3
PIA3124Special Topics in International Studies I3
PIA3141Spies, Intelligence and National Security3
PIA3315Ethics in Government3
PIA3544East Asia and Globalization3
PIA3810Study Tour3
PIA3810JStudy Tour3Applies only to where the destination is Japan
PIA3810KStudy Tour3Applies only to where the destination is Korea
PIA3984Korean Culture3
PIA4027Religions and Society in Asia3
PIA4028Women and Social Change in Asia3
PIA4060Directed Research Project6PIA4060 carries eligibility requirement of 3.0 CGPA
PIA4071Globalisation and the Environment3
PIA4072Contemporary International Politics of the Asia Pacific3
PIA4122International Organisations3
PIA4127Poverty and the Politics of Aid3
PIA4132Introduction to India3
PIA4142Global Public Health3

Elective Structure/ Stream

Elective structure is divided into 3 streams. Students need to take at least 3 courses in one stream (Asian Studies/ International Studies/ Development Studies) in order to graduate in that stream.  Students can graduate in one stream only.

Asian Studies
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
PIA2032Hong Kong: Continuity and Change3
PIA2040History and Society in Asia3
PIA2041Political and Social Development in China3
PIA2073Understanding Culture in Japan and China through Film3
PIA2104Hong Kong Governance3
PIA2914Introduction to Japanese Society3
PIA2918A Portrait of Japan : Experiencing Japanese Culture3
PIA2958Introduction to Korean Society3
PIA3003PIA Summer School3
PIA3033Culture and Change in Asia3
PIA3034Environmental Challenges in Asia and the World3
PIA3046Asian Migration and the Global Diasporas3
PIA3060Special Topics in Asian Studies I3
PIA3810Study Tour3As the contents of the tour may vary from year to year, the final say as to which stream students shall be awarded rests with the Major leader.
PIA3810JStudy Tour3As the contents of the tour may vary from year to year, the final say as to which stream students shall be awarded rests with the Major leader.
PIA3810KStudy Tour3As the contents of the tour may vary from year to year, the final say as to which stream students shall be awarded rests with the Major leader.
PIA3984Korean Culture3
PIA4027Religions and Society in Asia3
PIA4028Women and Social Change in Asia3
PIA4071Globalisation and the Environment3
PIA4072Contemporary International Politics of the Asia Pacific3
PIA4127Poverty and the Politics of Aid3
PIA4132Introduction to India3
PIA4142Global Public Health3

International Studies
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
PIA2040History and Society in Asia3
PIA2041Political and Social Development in China3
PIA2200Introduction to International Studies Through Film3
PIA2914Introduction to Japanese Society3
PIA3003PIA Summer School3
PIA3033Culture and Change in Asia3
PIA3046Asian Migration and the Global Diasporas3
PIA3111Democracy and Democratization3
PIA3113Issues in Contemporary World Politics3
PIA3120Politics and Media3
PIA3124Special Topics in International Studies I3
PIA3141Spies, Intelligence and National Security3
PIA3810Study Tour3As the contents of the tour may vary from year to year, the final say as to which stream students shall be awarded rests with the Major leader.
PIA3810JStudy Tour3As the contents of the tour may vary from year to year, the final say as to which stream students shall be awarded rests with the Major leader.
PIA3810KStudy Tour3As the contents of the tour may vary from year to year, the final say as to which stream students shall be awarded rests with the Major leader.
PIA4071Globalisation and the Environment3
PIA4072Contemporary International Politics of the Asia Pacific3
PIA4122International Organisations3
PIA4127Poverty and the Politics of Aid3
PIA4132Introduction to India3
PIA4142Global Public Health3

Development Studies
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
PIA2041Political and Social Development in China3
PIA2914Introduction to Japanese Society3
PIA3003PIA Summer School3
PIA3033Culture and Change in Asia3
PIA3034Environmental Challenges in Asia and the World3
PIA3046Asian Migration and the Global Diasporas3
PIA3070Special Topics in Development Studies3
PIA3544East Asia and Globalization3
PIA3810Study Tour3As the contents of the tour may vary from year to year, the final say as to which stream students shall be awarded rests with the Major leader.
PIA4028Women and Social Change in Asia3
PIA4071Globalisation and the Environment3
PIA4127Poverty and the Politics of Aid3
PIA4132Introduction to India3
PIA4142Global Public Health3