Energy Science and Engineering
Normative 4-year Degree
Energy Science and Engineering
Degree / Award Title
Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering
Offering Academic Unit
School of Energy and Environment
Normal Period of Study
4 years
Maximum Period of Study
8 years
Credit Units Required for Graduation
121 or 125 credit units
Note: The following curriculum information is subject to periodic review and changes.

GE Requirements (30 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

  Credit Units
GE University Requirements GE1401 University English 3
GE2410 English for Engineering 3
GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy 3
GE Distributional Requirements Take at least 1 course from each of the three distributional areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Area 3: Science and Technology

Visit the GE website for more course information.
School-specified Courses CA1167 Engineering Communication 3
SEE1003 Introduction to Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering 3
SEE3002 Energy and Environmental Economics 3
School-specified Courses (for eSTAR stream) CA1167 Engineering Communication 3
SEE3002 Energy and Environmental Economics 3
Any course of 3 credit units to be taken in the minor programmes of (i) Computing, (ii) Data Science, (iii) Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, or (iv) International Business 3

College / School Requirements (18 or 3 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

(i) For taking the major of "Energy Science and Engineering" or "Environmental Science and Engineering" (18 credit units) 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CHEM1200Discovery in Biology3
CHEM1300Principles of General Chemistry3
PHY1201General Physics I3
SEE1000Professional Development: Career Planning Workshop0
SEE1002Introduction to Computing for Energy and Environment3
SEE2000Professional Development I0
SEE4000Professional Development II0

Select either MA1200 or MA1300:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MA1200Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I3
MA1300Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I3

Select either MA1201 or MA1301:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MA1201Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II3
MA1301Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra II3

(ii) For taking the stream of "Energy/Environment in Science, Technology & Advanced Research (eSTAR)" (3 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SEE1000Professional Development: Career Planning Workshop0
SEE1002Introduction to Computing for Energy and Environment3
SEE2000Professional Development I0
SEE4000Professional Development II0

Major Requirements (73 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2025/26

1. Basic Core Courses (19 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MA2181Mathematical Methods for Engineering3
SEE2001Electromagnetic Principles for Energy Engineers3
SEE2002Chemical Sciences for Energy and Environmental Engineers4
SEE2003Introduction to Energy and Environmental Data Analysis3
SEE2101Engineering Thermofluids I3
SEE2201Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering3

2. Major Core Courses (42 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SEE3001Energy and Environmental Policy3
SEE3003Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies3
SEE3101Engineering Thermofluids II4
SEE3102Power Plant Engineering3
SEE3103Energy Efficiency for Buildings3
SEE3104Sustainable and Renewable Energy3
SEE4001Engineers in Society1
SEE4003Energy and Environmental Engineering Laboratory3
SEE4004Environmental Impact Assessment for Sustainable Development4
SEE4112Sustainable Engineering Systems: Modelling and Analysis3
SEE4217Waste and Wastewater Treatment Engineering3
SEE4997Final Year Project6
SYE4024Project Management3

3. Electives (12 credit units)

Select at least three courses from the following list:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SDSC3002Data Mining3
SEE4113Nanotechnology in Energy Conversion and Storage: Concepts and Creative Science3
SEE4114Bioenergy Engineering: Principles and Applications3
SEE4115Energy Catalysis and Reaction Engineering3
SEE4116Energy and Carbon Auditing3
SEE4117Solar Energy Engineering3
SEE4118Wind and Marine Energy3
SEE4119Electrical Energy Conversion3
SEE4120Materials Engineering for Energy Applications3
SEE4121Gas Engineering3
SEE4122Chemical Separations for Energy and Environmental Applications3

Select at least one course from the following list:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SEE3201Atmospheric Science - An Introductory Survey3
SEE3204Urban Sustainability3
SEE3205Urban Sustainability3
SEE3206Environmental Social Governance3
SEE3207Indoor Environmental Quality3
SEE4202Atmospheric Chemistry3
SEE4205Design of Smart Cities and Sustainable Building3
SEE4216Combustion and Air Pollution Control3
SEE4218Water and Water Resource Engineering3
SEE4220Measurements of Air Pollutants3

 4. Optional Electives (15 credit units) 

Students may choose to enroll in all of the following course(s) if they are interested in being a member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) in the Building Services (BSS) discipline.
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CA3712Electrical Services3
CA3722HVAC Engineering3
CA3732Fire Engineering and Piped Services3
CA4718Power Electronics and Smart Lighting Controls3
CA4737Fire Science and Modelling3

For taking the stream of "Energy/Environment in Science, Technology & Advanced Research (eSTAR)"
The “eSTAR” stream encompasses (i) ESE major; (ii) a research component, and (iii) minor study in one of the four designated areas, namely Computing, Data Science, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship , and International Business. 

(i) ESE major as mentioned above. (73 credit units) 

(ii) Research (7 credit units or above) 
a. Guided Study and/or Research (Take any one among the following three options for 2 semesters.)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
SEE4994Guided Study in Energy and Environment3Option 1
SEE4998Special Project in Energy and Environment3Option 1
SEE4995Guided Study in Energy and Environment6Option 2
SEE4999Special Project in Energy and Environment6Option 3
b. Research Seminar (Students will attend a minimum of 5 research seminars per semester.)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SEE4993Research Seminar1

c. MSc- or PhD- level courses with the approval of the Major Leader. (Optional) 

(iii) Minor (15 credit units or above)
The following courses (11 credit units in total) must be completed before taking DSC minor core courses: CS2311 Computer Programming, MA2503 Linear Algebra, and MA2506 Probability and Statistics.

Suggested Study Plan