Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management
Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management
Award Title
Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management
Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management (Nuclear and Risk Engineering Stream)
先進科技及管理學理學碩士 (核子及風險工程)
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering
Mode of Study
Combined mode

Normal Period of Study

- 1 year (full-time)
- 2 years (part-time / combined mode)

Maximum Period of Study

- 2.5 years (full-time)
- 5 years (part-time / combined mode)

Credit Units Required for Graduation


Programme Aims

The evolution of the technology and the rapid expansion of global economics have generated growing needs for professionals who understand the-state-of-the-art technology and possess the entrepreneurial management for a business success. There is an increasing demand in Hong Kong, Mainland & industrialized countries for those professionals. They are entrepreneurs and creators of tomorrow. The Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management (MSATM) Programme aims to satisfy this need, by offering a world-class quality, in-depth education opportunity that covers the integration of advanced technologies and the enterprise management. 

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon successful completion of this programme, students will be able to:
1. apply state-of-the-art technologies to generate creative ethical solutions in setting up  business goals and strategies that turn a dream into a business success;
2. apply an extensive knowledge of planning, evaluating, designing and implementing advanced technologies in an integrated environment meeting the business goals and strategies;
3. apply analytical skills of multi-disciplinary, multi-variable engineering and engineering management to generate new ideals for the integration of technology and management; and
4. apply effective interdisciplinary communication skills of team work, documentation and Internet / web-based methods to develop a system that reflects increasingly customer-oriented, globally competitive and dynamically changing world markets.

Programme Requirements

Path of study for the student purses his/her major areas including:

A. Biomedical Engineering 
B. Entrepreneurial Management 
C. Manufacturing Systems 
D. Material and Design 
E. Mechatronics 

• A special stream of Nuclear and Risk Engineering (NRE) 
(The stream will not be offered from 2014-2015 until further notice.)

Major Areas (A-E)
15 credits of Required Courses [in Tables 1] + 15 credits of Electives [selected from Tables 2, 3 & 4 other than the required courses]

Path of study:  Students may obtain the MSc degree either by completing:
• 5 core courses + 5 elective taught courses
• 5 core courses + the dissertation + 2 elective taught courses
Table 1: Required Courses (15 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MBE5011Enterprise Technology and Management3
MBE6005Micro Systems Technology3
MBE6007Advanced Automation Technology3
MBE6022Project Development Study3
MBE6051Sustainable Green Manufacturing3
Table 2: Electives Courses (15 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CS5222Computer Networks and Internets3
CS5481Data Engineering3
CS5483Data Warehousing and Data Mining3
MBE5108Human Machine Interface3
MBE6001CAD/CAM Integration3
MBE6002Computer Controlled Systems3
MBE6045Industrial Case Study3
MBE6101Manufacturing of Biomedical Devices3
MBE6102Special Topics on Advanced Structural Materials3
MBE6107Kinetics in Nanoscale Materials3
MBE6108Technology Transfer to Commercialization for Engineers3
SEEM5006Operations Management3
SEEM6009Project Management3
SEEM6012Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship3
SEEM6014Asset and Maintenance Management3
SEEM6015Supply Chain Management3
SEEM6043Quality and Reliability Engineering3
SEEM8011Statistical Modeling and Design of Experiments3

The stream of Nuclear and Risk Engineering (NRE) - Path of study:
(The stream will not be offered from 2014-2015 until further notice.)
•    18 credits of Required Courses [in Table 3] + 12 credits of Electives [selected from Table 4]
Table 3: Required Courses for the stream of NRE /as Electives for non NRE
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
AP5230Advanced Radiation Safety3
MBE5101Principles of Nuclear Engineering3
MBE5102Severe Accident Phenomenology and Emergency Preparedness of Nuclear Power Plants3
MBE5103Risk and Reliability Engineering (including Nuclear Applications)3
MBE5105Advanced Nuclear Reactor Engineering3
MBE6022Project Development Study3
Table 4: Electives
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
AP5274Advanced Radiation Biophysics3
MBE5011Enterprise Technology and Management3
MBE5104Advanced Nuclear Reactor Physics3
MBE5106Advanced Nuclear Reactor Safety3
MBE5107Nuclear Structural Materials3
MBE6007Advanced Automation Technology3
MBE6051Sustainable Green Manufacturing3
MBE6102Special Topics on Advanced Structural Materials3
MBE6103Operations and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants3
MBE6104Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Systems3
MBE6105Decommissioning and Waste Management3
MBE6106Corrosion and Radiation Reduction at Nuclear Power Plant Using Water Chemistry3

Additional notes:
Study with the Dissertation: Student must obtain a grade of B+ or above in the course MBE6022 "Project Development Study".